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Volume 16 No. 8
With the summer season about to get underway, folks are arriving to open their cottages – always a welcome anticipation for the summer to come. But we want everyone to be safe.
To be safely ready for summer, read about the status of the PaBIA marker installation and check out the Cottage Opening Suggestions!
Unfortunately, our friendly pests are back, so be on the lookout for them in your trees as this time of year and into June is good for dealing with them.
With folks in our inclusive PaB community joining forces as the PaB Team to support West Parry Sound Health Centre, we hope you’ll consider supporting them (article below) – and thereby benefiting all of us in cottage country throughout the summer for our medical needs!
Need/want a FoodCycler (and or parts to an existing one), check out the online possibilities below. And the Ojibway Island courts are open to everyone preseason…so check out the times below!
Lastly, PaBIA is selling the 20 ft Henley boat that was used by the Marine Patrol – so if you are in need of a welded aluminum boat or know someone who is, read more in the information below!
Let’s hope the weather is warming up for Victoria Weekend! Enjoy and be safe, everyone!
Table of Contents In this eBlast:
- Victoria Weekend Marker Installation Update
- PaBIA 20 ft. Henley MP BOAT FOR SALE
- Pine Sawfly Infestation
- It’s Cottage Opening Time!
- PaB Team Community – Your Health Your Way!
- FoodCyclers (Eco-5) model for sale online; (smaller FC-30 model in stock at ToA)
- Preseason Racquet Mix Round Robins Open to EVERYONE at The Ojibway Club
- Missing/Broken Markers Contact Info – Tom Cavers
- Check out the June, July, and August Calendars
- WPSHC – Your Way to Health – Support the Health Centre in May
- GBB – Ways our Waters are Changing & Updates
- GBA – May Update 2024
- Yearbook Update – May 13, 2024
- Lake Michigan-Huron Water Levels – May 13, 2024
Victoria Weekend Marker Installation Awareness Update
The Desmasdons Construction team, who install and remove the markers every year, have been working hard to get all the markers in by our target timeline of the Victoria Day long weekend.
The Desmasdons Construction crew have successfully installed the markers all throughout Shawanaga Bay area and Hemlock Channel area but the weather forecast and scheduling hurdles may prevent the remaining markers from all being installed by next weekend.
They are hopeful to get the necessary clear, sunny, calm wind day in the coming week but as always, cannot control Mother Nature. For those whose first trip up is the coming long weekend, please take care on the water and navigate safely.
BE AWARE: The newly installed permanent green marker just southwest of Carolyn Island has been dragged off its shoal by winter ice activities into deeper water and is submerged close to surface of the water so all those traveling in that area please be aware.
PaBIA Maine Patrol Boat For Sale!
Our 2013 Henley 20 ft. centre console welded aluminum boat, powered by a Yamaha F150 four stroke engine, is for sale. PABIA had this self-draining boat, custom built for the specific duties of the Marine Patrol. Due to the importance of exceptional sea keeping abilities, she was built to commercial specifications which resulted in a more stable and durable craft.
For more details, visit here.
This package new today, sells for approximately $90,000 Henley receives many requests for used boats but given their durability and high retained value, very few ever come up for sale.
This is the first opportunity to purchase her for $60,000 or the highest offer above this valuation prior to June 15, 2024.
On June 15th, she will be awarded to the highest bidder over $60,000 or, if unsold, offered more broadly online.
Of Note: All boat sale proceeds will be used to expedite the PaBIA purchase and installation program of the highly visible permanent, Coast Guard-approved navigation markers throughout our waters, replacing seasonally placed wooden markers, and enhancing boating safety for all.
Please email any questions, requests to view or offers to purchase to Dave Sharpe
Introduced Pine Sawfly – Yes, They are Back!
There have been inquiries from the community about what to do if your pine trees are infested with pine sawflies. Pine sawflies are an invasive species that defoliate pine trees, killing branches and in some cases the entire tree (Government of Canada). While white pine is their preferred host they can be found in all species of pine tree (abundant in Pointe au Baril). Adults have a saw-like structure at the tip of their abdomen, while larvae have black heads with yellow bodies (TOA). Introduced pine sawflies produce two generations during a growing season, one in June and one in late August to September.
If there is an infestation on your island there are a number of things you can do to mitigate the impacts of the pine sawflies. On smaller trees larvae and eggs should be removed from the tree and destroyed. On larger trees, and in areas you cannot reach, use a watering hose to knock larvae and small sawflies from the branches as it can help to prevent defoliation. It’s important not to power wash, as this may knock the bark off the trees. Fluctuating temperatures or heavy rainfall during larval development can also control an infestation.
Birds are natural predators for the larvae. Putting feeders in afflicted trees will draw birds to the area that eat the larvae. Tilling the soil around the trees will turn up larvae and expose them to birds as well. There is a known, isolated population that has been in the Pointe au Baril islands during previous summers. Be on the lookout for pine sawflies/larvae in your trees! For more information go to the TOA’s website on invasive species threatening our forest health here.
It’s Cottage Opening Time!!
Ahh, the May 24th long weekend – cottage opening time! It’s finally here and excitement is high. But in all the excitement, let’s not forget the important tasks to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer. Here is a suggested checklist to make sure nothing is forgotten or left out.
Boating Safety
Just picked up the boats from the Marina? Dragged the kayaks and paddleboards out of the shed?
Make sure that all mandatory safety equipment is placed on board and is in good condition. PFD’s and Life Jackets are the most important, but it’s also a good idea to check all lights, paddles, and other accessories are in good working order. Inspecting the bilge for the presence of excess water or the presence of raw fuel or fuel vapour is also a very good idea.
If you’re not sure what safety equipment is required by Transport Canada, you can download the Boating Safety Guide here. Pages 16-19 list requirements for all types and sizes of boats – including paddleboards, kayaks, personal watercraft, and kiteboards. This list is updated every year, so don’t be caught out. (Did you know that you must have a buoyant heaving line 15 meters long on your paddleboard IF you are not wearing your PDF?)
Fire Safety
When you first open the cottage, make sure to install fresh batteries in all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. Replace all alarms that are beyond their effective date (printed on the device) and replace all nuisance alarms that trigger too easily. Lastly, plug your ears and give them a test.
Check all fire extinguishers for proper internal pressure. The arrow should be point to green in the air pressure gauge. Check the date printed on the cylinder or tag. If the extinguisher is expired, greater than 10 years old, dented, or has a broken or missing tamper seal/pin then then this is the time to replace it. Old extinguishers should be disposed of at the hazardous waste site in Parry Sound. Lastly, remove all extinguishers from the mounting bracket, invert them and shake the unit to agitate the dry powder material. Don’t forget this important step.
If you have a fire pump at your cottage, this is the time to set it up. Fire Season has already started! Fill the gas tank, connect the suction and discharge lines, and test the equipment. Take this opportunity to educate family members, guests, and rental clients on operation of the pump. Put all the fire fighting accessories in a waterproof box easily accessible to the pump: fuel tank full of gas, extra hose lengths, nozzles, shovel, flashlight, gloves, work boots. (It’s never a good idea to fight a fire in flip flops.)
First Aid
Dig out that first aid kit and check inside. Make sure all supplies are fresh and topped up if they were used last summer. Don’t forget extras such as antihistamines, steri-stips, antibiotic creams or supplies. If you don’t have a first aid kit, now is the time to get one. Adventure Medical Kits are perfect for the cottage since access to Emergency Response is limited in Pointe au Baril. These kits come in many sizes and price ranges and can be bought on Amazon, MEC, or even your local pharmacy. No need to remember all the items that should be included, the kits have it all, including first aid guides. Lastly, think about your pets. Do they need any first aid supplies on hand?
Here’s to a Safe and Relaxing Summer!!
FoodCycler for 2024
Visit this website FoodCycler, and buy now. You are able to purchase the Maestro (Eco-5) model, and all Maestro and FC-30 model accessories. Shipping is free for purchases over $100, and if you do not have a mailing address (e.g., an island property), Canada Post FlexDelivery** is available for parcels to be mailed to a Post Office location.
FC-30 model is not available on the web platform as we have 20 units in stock at the ToA Municipal Office and are encouraging residents interested in that model to visit the office to clear out the existing inventory.
**There is an option for delivery to the Pointe Au Baril Post Office (on HWY 69), or any other post office. This would be done through Canada Post Flex Delivery. The customer must create an account and make the arrangement with Canada Post, and the post office would subsequently use the contact information to notify the customer when the package is delivered. The understanding is that the package is held for a max of 15 days. Here is the link:
It is time once again to consider supporting the West Parry Sound Health Center (WPSHC) during their annual Your Health Your Way fundraising event from now until May 31, 2024.
- Previously our team was known as the PaB Cottager Team. We have assembled a NEW team for this year’s event. I have been in contact with Cindy Pulchinski of our local community and am excited that our cottager team has now truly become a community team combining our permanent residents and summer residents into one united front.
- It is called Team PaB (PaB rhymes with “Lab” rather than being spelled out as p-a-b) and it is our new Pointe au Baril Community Team!
- Members of the newly assembled team will all be fundraising in support of critical healthcare services at the West Parry Sound Health Centre (WPSHC) – our local hospital – and the nearest essential service that supports the entire PaB community’s needs.
- Last year, due to your generous donations, the Pointe au Baril Cottager Team again won 1st place for the highest fundraising team award raising $20,599.00.
- This year, our larger Team PaB is going for more and hopes to raise $30,000 – stronger together!
It’s easy to join Team PaB!
- All are welcome to join us!
- Click here and then “join us” to get yourself registered.
- Let’s move together for a healthy community!
Please support this cause before the morning of May 26!
- To support Team PaB click here and click on “donate”.
- From May 1st to the 26th, we will walk, run or pole VIRTUALLY from wherever we live to support this effort.
- We will then do it in person at the wrap-up event at the PaB Community Centre on May 26th for a walk along the beautiful South Shore Road.
- Come walk with us if you’re in the area.
We hope we can count on your support once again!!
With many thanks, Helen Bryce and Cindy Pulchinski, Co-captains of Team PaB!
Pre Season Tennis & PIckleball Mixed Round Robins for EVERYONE
This is an invitation to ALL players, especially newcomers, to meet for tennis and Pickleball Mixed Round Robins. The fun begins daily at 10 AM (with a rain-delay at 2 PM) beginning Victoria Day Weekend until June 25th, with the exception of June 20, 21 & 22 as the courts have been booked for a private function.
Regular play will begin when the Ojibway opens on June 26th. A special thank you goes out to the Ballon family and friends who will be putting up the nets on the May long weekend, WEATHER PERMITTING. Please note that Courts ! & 2 will not be available at this time as they are being resurfaced. For further information please contact Brad Honsberger.
Members and guests are reminded that all other Ojibway Club facilities are closed until Opening Day, June 26th, and the use of all docks, courts, and paths is at your own risk. Not all docks will be in. For those wanting a fun, social hit daily mixed round robin drop-in play, weather permitting, is at 10.00 am.”
Of Interest
Here is the April GBB News
Find These Articles Inside May GBA Update
- GBA asks the province to maintain the right to appeal local land use decisions
- GBA weighs In on the proposed rate increase for annual capital gains
- Parks Canada announces new mooring restrictions to address floating homes
- Introducing our Champions of the Bay award
- Great Lakes Fishery Commission issues a warning on sea lamprey numbers
- Could lakers be spreading existing invasives around the Great Lakes?
- Protect yourself from ticks this summer
- A new Watersheds Canada program can help restore fish habitat
The GBA encourages anyone who wishes to to sign up to receive the GBA Update right to their inbox by going to GBA’s webpage
(one can unsubscribe at any time)
Yearbook Update
With each eBlast, we will provide you a list of names of those members who have provided updated contact information. The details of all the changes since the 2023 yearbook came out in early May are provided in THIS printable format for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook! As of May 13, 2023, here are the changes.
For reporting Markers’ problems
contact Tom Cavers by cell (pg. 267 in yearbook) or email
For contacting Secretary-Treasurer and Asst. Sec. Treas.
Nancy Rogers and Elise Findlay: [email protected]
Adams, Dick & Lee (addition)
Brown, Greg & Ellen (addition)
Doner, Jim & Heather (addition)
Donovan, Kevin & Molly (addition)
Grant, Susan & Fitzgerald, Bob (correction)
Heward, Geoffrey (addition)
Johnson, John & Irwin, Kathy (addition)
Kramer, Angie & Reynolds, Peter (addition)
Miller, Robert & Hooper, Dana (addition)
Phippen, Gord & Lynda (addition)
Pschonder, Marcel (addition)
Ryan, Justine (addition)
Sainsbury, Greg & Taggart, Marcia (addition)
Thomas, Tamara (addition)
Watts, Bill & Linda (email changes)
White, Sarah (addition)
Water Levels
Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels May 13th, 2024
To better read the charts, please click on the chart for the Daily or Six Month Forecast Water level chart and the corresponding websites
Numerous PaB listings available NOW, call me!
Mark Payne
Please support PaBIA’s Yearbook Advertisers 2024
This site’s advertising feature was created to provide assistance for special local information & events for existing Yearbook advertisers only.
• PaB Nursing Station
• Canadian Coast Guard
Search and Rescue
• PaBIA Emergency info