August 7, 2023

The Annual Meeting was held at the Ojibway Club following a pancake breakfast, with a sufficient number of members in attendance to establish quorum. 


President Dave Sharpe welcomed everyone who attended in spite of the stormy weather.  

Emma Berton, the new Marine Patrol Supervisor, currently working for the Georgian Bay Biosphere, offered the Land Acknowledgement.  

Approval of the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes  Nancy Rogers

The Minutes of the August 1, 2022 Annual Meeting were circulated by e-newsletter in September 2022 and were linked in the most recent e-newsletter along with the Notice of the 2023 Annual Meeting.

Motion: to adopt the Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting.  Mark Gwozdecky, Cath Fairlie.  Carried.

Approval of the 2022 Financial Statement Nancy Rogers

The 2022 Financial Statement was circulated by e-newsletter early in 2023, was included in the 2023 Yearbook and linked in the most recent e-newsletter.  It had been approved by the Board.

Motion: to approve the 2022 Financial Statement.  Nancy Rogers, Dave Sharpe.  Carried.

2023 Revenues to date

In addition to our usual expenses, this year to date 10 additional permanent markers have been purchased.  Other major expenses have been new multi-year supplies of ribbons for both Regattas and new Cottage Patrol Tags.  

The costs of both printing and mailing all the Yearbooks were covered by the sales of advertising.

We thank our many generous members who make donations to both the Reserve Fund and the Marine Patrol.  

Introduction of Assistant Secretary-Treasurer

Elise Findlay, unable to attend the meeting, was introduced in the position of Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.  She has a family background of four past-Presidents (H.G Mackenzie in 1914, Hugh Hall, Martha Hall Findlay and Doug Hall) as well as others who have served on Committees and Katie Findlay, a current Director.  Elise will continue to take over more of the work in the position this year and 2024.

The In Memoriam list of the names of PaBIA and community members whose deaths have been reported to us since the 2022 AGM was read:  

Harvey Armstrong 

Barbara Barrett

Janet Dattels Ortved

Ann MacIntosh Duff

Peter Kennedy

William (Bill) McCoy

Jane Munn

Patsy Peacock-Evans

Toby Wagner

President’s Remarks  Dave Sharpe

Dave noted that there are over 80 volunteers who offer their time and help in all areas of PaBIA’s activities.  These include the Directors on the Board during the past year:

Vice-President and Nominations Chair – Mark Gwozdecky 

Member Safety – Cath Fairlie

Membership & Marketing – Mike Berton

Communications – Hilde Clark

Education – Trudy Irvine

Environment – Michael Phippen

Governance – Mary Thomson

Indigenous Affairs – Lloyd Posno

Member Activities – Virginia Skuce

Ratepayer & Regulatory Affairs – Katie Findlay

Secretary-Treasurer – Nancy Rogers


All were thanked for their service, particularly Michael Phippen, retiring from the Board after several years as the Environment Director as well as a variety other services over decades. 

Cath Fairlie, Member Safety Director, reported on the 10-year program to add to the number of permanent markers.  The “Start your Fire Pumps” contest was successful with 5 members winning prizes of $100 each, paid for by a $500 grant from FireSafe Canada.  

Mike Berton, Membership Director, reported on the current paid membership numbers, including 38 new members.  Total membership is lower than last year and efforts will be made to contact those who were unpaid and potential members.  

Election of Directors  Mark Gwozdecky

The nominees for PaBIA Directors were read as follows

Mike Berton

Hilde Clark

Cath Fairlie

Katie Findlay

Mark Gwozdecky

Trudy Irvine

Emma Manners

Lloyd Posno

Nancy Rogers

Dave Sharpe

Virginia Skuce

Mary Thomson

Motion: to elect the nominees for appointment as PaBIA Directors for 2023 – 2024.  Mark Gwozdecky, Michael Phippen.  Carried.

Lloyd Posno, Director of Indigenous Affairs and Relations with SFN, and Emma Manners, the new Environment Director were introduced. 

Guest Speakers: Earl Manners and Scott Sheard, Township Ward 3 Councillors

Earl and Scott provided a PowerPoint presentation covering the wide scope of concerns and actions taken by TOA Council.  The slides will be made available to PaBIA for distribution through our website and e-newsletter.  

Meeting adjourned.

Nancy Rogers

Recording Secretary

Election of Officers 

      The Board elected the following as Officers:  

Dave Sharpe, President

Mark Gwozdecky, Vice-President

Nancy Rogers, Secretary-Treasurer