
Liaise between the Pointe au Baril Islanders Association and official representatives of the Township of the Archipelago. To work with our community leaders insuring an open and transparent line of communication. 

Core Values

Insure that the Official Plan is being adhered to within the PaBIA neighbourhood. 

Insure that the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law is being adhered to within the PaBIA neighbourhood.

Raise concerns on planning and other related issues to the ToA, our Councilors for Ward 3 and Ward 1 and other interested parties.

Follow the lead on GBA’s subcommittees for the Coastal Protection Advisory, Floating Cottages and other such planning/environmental based committees.

Answer general member questions on planning, government affairs, building requirements as they may arise.

Discuss concerns from businesses within the community as to decisions by PaBIA as they relate to the OP, CZBL and other such matters.

Deliver to the PaBIA board a regular report on the portfolio’s mandate.