New Burgee with Tekton
Connections Update Header
 Volume 10 No.11
Dear PaBIA,
Not a whole lot of rain to speak of this past week except for the 1/4+” of rain the one night and Monday mid day for a short sprinkle…but at least the temperatures have been a bit more moderate – more in the high 20s, thankfully!
Folks, many have asked for a printed copy of the updated calendar from what you see in the Yearbook as other programs pop up after it goes to print…so please feel free to download the July and August calendar here.
Lastly, I hope everyone knows that wherever you see a red underlined word in the eBlasts, it indicates a link to the subject that has been underlined for you to click on for more in-depth information!

Bon Voyage, Mike! You will be terribly missed!
Mike Mosley
PaBIA Maps and Markers Chair, PaBIA Sailing Head Committee Boat

Is Your Island Info on
Current PaBIA Map
Accurate & Up-to-Date?
Perhaps, while at the cottage is a good time to take a look at your island on the current PaBIA map to see whether or not it is up-to-date and accurate. We will be publishing a new one over the winter, but would very much appreciate receiving the information NOW while fresh in your mind!
  • Is the island number correct on the map (the green sign on your dock)?
  • Is the island name that is on the map correct (please know that not all island names are printed.)
  • Are the existing markers around your island correctly placed on the map?
  • Are the main structures (main cottages with kitchens) properly marked?
Marine Patrol LOGO
Do You Know Where the
PaBIA Firepumps Are?

Firepumps working
Firepump Map w arrows
With the weather being so warm and the earth becoming dry, Marine Patrol wants everyone to be aware of the fire pumps that are around the Bay.
As Marine Patrollers, we have tested each one of the four public use pumps around Pointe au Baril. All 4 pumps are in good working order with all the necessary parts. The four pumps are located at:
  • The Ojibway Club front dock
  • Barclays (A27.5)
  • Dempsey’s (A500.44)
  • Fredricks Inlet (B844)
We encourage everyone to know where each fire pump is and continue to uphold the total fire ban in the area.

PaBIA Emerg STicker
PaBIA’s Safe Boating Stickers
Ever wondered whether the oncoming boat on the right or left has the right of way on the waterway or whether you do? Is it the same as driving on the roadways – think twice because the answer may not be what you think.
If you haven’t already read the wonderful article in the 2018 Yearbook beginning on page 133, written by Rebecca Middleton, please do so! It will answer that question and many more. A Councilor from another ToA Ward thought it was the “best article on boating safety he’d ever read”!
One of the things she discusses is the safe boating sticker and its importance. PaBIA’s directors felt so strongly about it that it has been produced for each member of PaBIA so you can have the answer right there on your boat’s dash (see the pic below!) when you need it the most!
Please ask one of PaBIA’s Directors for one, ask a Marine Patroller or look for them at the Regattas and AGM. Then, if you find them useful and want more for each of your motor boat’s dashboards, you can find them in the Ojibway Gift Shop for $1 a piece!

Safety Sticker on dash
(Wed to Wed)

PaBIA logo
Jr Naturalist Logo NEW
PaBIA Jr Naturalist –
Today, Wednesday July 18th
Rehabilitation, Education and Research
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Ojibway Movie Hut

Ontario Turtle specimens
The presentation will include Ontario’s eight species identification, the threats to Ontario’s turtles that are causing population declines, and a better understanding of what “species at risk” designation in Ontario means. It will also outline the work that the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre does to conserve Ontario’s turtles which includes, rehabilitation, education, and research in the field. 
We will bring 4 live non-releasable education turtle ambassadors! Paddy, (35 year-old male snapping turtle), Picasso (midland painted), Andrea (Blanding’s) and Rusty ( Wood).
All Ojibway Campers and PaBIA member’s
children and grandchildren are eligible to attend.

Triathlon for EVERYONE 17
click above
Come and Participate!
Swim • Run • Paddle
Saturday, JULY 21st
9:00 AM Start
Ojibway Back Docks
If you aren’t participating, we urge you to come out and root for the swimmers, runners along the OHPS “running” trails, and/or the paddlers as they make their way around the Ojibway Island!

Next PaBIA Sailing Race: SATURDAY July 21st!
Calling All Senior and Junior Sailors

Sailing Aug 15
The fleet came out in great number this past week as we raced in the broad open expanse of Shawanaga Bay south of the wreck. Winds varied from a breath to a breeze and bent around the shoreline in ways that were a mystery to many. The long legs and shifty winds resulted in boats being scattered about the course like so many grains of rice, coming together again only at the finish line.
The Rendezvous was combined with a larger PaBIA celebration generously hosted by Stacey and David Sharpe. Participant numbers increased twice-fold, resulting in the rare mixing, without altercation, of tennis and sailing people. While the tennis people were much better dressed they were far less proficient docking their boats.
This coming week July races 7 & 8, will be held on Mathews Bay at 2:00 on Saturday and the Rendezvous is being hosted by Faye and Peter White at A193-1, Blood Island. A RLS-worthy name if ever there was one, bring your scabbards!
Finally, as part of the junior program, we will be including a Junior PABAR class in this coming weekend races – see below!

Junior PaBAR
Friday, July 20 Basic Race Training
Saturday July 21st at 2:00 pm. 
Open to all sailors
under 21 years of age.
The race will run as part of the regular PaBIA sailing race. Details of the course in Matthews Bay.
Lasers, Laser Radials and Albacores are the preferred boats. Lasers are single-handed and Albacores can have 2-3 people per boat. 
Come out to have fun, become a better sailor! The winner gets their name(s) on the Junior PaBAR trophy!
To sign up, contact Marg Wheler!

Naturalist logo
PaBIA Naturalist ~ Sunday, July 22nd
Scott Parent
Journeying Across Georgian Bay
in All Seasons
Ojibway Movie Hut
10 AM to Noon
Sunday, July 22
Scott Parent has crossed Georgian Bay on a paddle board, a journey of 77 km and has also walked across on the ice, sleeping on the ice and waking up close to an enormous crack. He will be talking about what he has seen while out on the middle of the Bay.
sdfaaScott Parent
Situated near the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, Scott has instant access to paddling Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. He knows the waters well. He respects the dynamics of the local weather, is able to make confidant decisions out on the water and prior to setting out.
Most of all, he enjoys the simple accessibility of the sport, teaching it to others of all ages, sharing experiences with others in wild natural spaces. He is currently finding new ways to expand on long distance SUP touring and exploring Lake Huron and Georgian Bay with local paddlers as often as possible.

White Star Swim
White Star Swim – Sunday July 22
Starting at 11am at Whites Island 193A and ending at Ojibway docks. Children 15 and under get name on plaque but swim open to “kids of all ages”. Be sure to check out the White Star Swim in July issue of Cottage Live magazine!!!

Cottage Succession, Capital Gains & Conservation – Sunday July 22
Ojibway Movie Hut
Sunday, July 22nd
4pm – 5 pm. 
Craft beer & wine served
“Capital gains is a big issue when passing cottage properties or vacant lands to children or other family. Bill Lougheed, Executive Director of the Georgian Bay Land Trust, will discuss how a Conservation Agreement with a land trust can ameliorate capital gains while protecting the biodiversity and natural heritage values on the unbuilt areas of your property. Protecting a balance of Pointe au Baril’s open spaces and wilderness places benefits the entire community.”

PaBIA Community Picnic – Monday, July 23
(Wed to Wed)

Boater Coaching
These 2 Offering WILL Be Held on Wed, July 25th
Boat Pro Seminar
Saturday, July 28th
4:30 – 6:30 pm

Click on photo to go to website!
Join OHPS Saturday July 28th 4:30 – 6:30
in the Ojibway Club Lounge
In just 10 days, the Ojibway Historical Preservation Society will unveil the professional design team drawings proposed for the pending Gift Shop restoration set to break ground in 2019.
Join us at 4:30 p.m. in the Hotel Lounge for wine and appetizers to celebrate the historical legacy and learn more about how you can get involved. We will also have some heritage commemorative works to share for the first time!

Junior Regatta 18
PaBIA Icon
PaBIA Sailing Race Clinic –
Begins Monday July 30
Friday August 3

SAiling FS
Your Sailing Racing Instructors look forward to ALL sailors who would like to brush up or learn the proper techniques for sailboat racing!
Please meet at the Regan’s Ojibway docks at 9:00 am on Monday, July 30th and then plan each day through Wednesday, August 1st for the full clinic! Please email Rainer Kaufmann, PaBIA’s sailing commodore for further information.
Then on Friday, join other sailors for the annual Flying Scot Race @ 11 am – Lighthouse course.

(Wed to Wed)

Sr Regatta 2018
Blueberry pancakes
Sunday, August 5
Join Us for
9:00 am
PaBIA Member Pancake Breakfast
for the whole family
Ojibway Dining Room

Vince Pawiss
Followed by
Annual General Meeting
Our 2018 Guest Speaker ~
Vince Pawis, Sr.
Vince Pawis Sr. (left in the pic) seen here receiving the Order Ontario, the highest award granted by the Province.
We are honoured to have Vince Pawis, Sr., (son of Irene Pawis) agree to speak at our AGM! Vince is the Executive Director of the White Buffalo Road Healing Lodge, and will share with us a bit of his work as he facilitates the rehabilitation of troubled youth.
His interests include the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of Aboriginal, Inuit, Metis and Canadians. He works to develop positive working relationships with all levels of government, educational institutes, First Nations, Tribal Councils, regional and national Indigenous organizations.
All members of PaBIA are then invited to join us for PaBIA’s Annual General Meeting to immediately follow breakfast.
PaBIA’s Agenda for the Annual General Meeting will include:
iiiiii9:00 a.m.PaBIA Pancake Breakfast
iiiiiiii9:30 AGM Meeting
  1. Adopting AGM Minutes from August 2017
  2. Approval of Financial Report
  3. Election of PaBIA Directors
  4. President’s Report
  5. Portfolio Reports
  6. Guest Speaker: Vince Pawis
~ Timeless Topics ~
State of the Bay:
Lower Food Web

Many of us love hearing the call of a loon or seeing a majestic bald eagle. These species are at the top of the food chain, relying on a healthy diet of fish. But what feeds the fish that they eat?
At the bottom there are the producers, the algae and microscopic plants that use nutrients and sunlight to grow. The next level is made up of consumers, zooplankton and benthic organisms, that eat phytoplankton.
Sadly, decades of research have shown that species in the lower food web of Lake Huron have all been declining. Phytoplankton levels have significantly decreased, possibly because of low nutrient levels in some offshore areas, invasions by zebra and quagga mussels, and warming water temperatures. Zooplankton have seen declines of up to 95% over the past 20 years.
The population of Diporeia, a freshwater shrimp-like crustacean, and major food source for small fish, has completely collapsed today after declining since the 1990s. As a result, in 2003 and 2005, the alewife, and chinook salmon populations collapsed.
Are invasive species, combined with climate change, creating a biological desert on the bottom of Georgian Bay? What will be the effects on species higher in the food web? Visit GBBR’s website to learn more!

Yearbook Update
Each week, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. However, the details of those changes is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own cottage copy!
Peter Merry (change email)
Bill Stevenson (update)

In Memoriam

Jonathan Barker, B832-5 ‘Lo Sha Ba’ on Pioneer Is., husband of Wendy MacKeigan, father of Scott, Tyler, Georgia, Alex and Caleigh, July 2018.
Michael (Mike) Mosley, A356, husband of Susan, father of Brian and Warren, son of the late Bill and Shirley Mosley, brother of Bob (Jane) Mosley, PaBIA Maps and Markers Chair, July 2018.

Fire Rating Extreme

Printable July and August
 Country (4 docs above)
 • Search and Rescue
 • 800-267-7270
 • More About PaBIA 
 • Contact Us 
 •  • PHONE # 647-545-9283 (cell) 
 •  •Seasonal: June 29 - Sept 4
 • Arts on the Bay 2018
 •  • 705 383 2241
 • MNR Bear Wise
 • Ojibway Club  
 • Newsletter
 • Water Levels
GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve 
Affiliated Organizations 
 • FOCA - Federation of  • Ontario Cottagers’ Association
 • IJC – International  • Joint Commission 
 • CGLR - Council of the Great  • Lakes Region
In Depth Articles
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PaBIA’s Yearbook 

This site’s advertising feature was created to provide assistance for special local news events for existing Yearbook advertisers only.
Advocating for the Island Community
‘Til Next Time, 
Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association 
PaBIA reserves all rights regarding decisions on communications to its members
in accordance with the PaBIA Policy on Communications