Channel Cat

Channel Cat

by Trudy Irvine, PaBIA’s Education Committee This amazing photo above of a lynx (or bobcat?) was taken just west of Steamboat Channel last week. A family was out fishing just west of the narrows about 8 p.m. and noticed the cat 50 feet further to their west,...

Stormy Weather…

by Trudy Irvine, PaBIA Education Committee Fine weather in Georgian Bay is always enjoyable, but most Pointe au Baril residents also thrill to the kind of storms that we had last Saturday night and Sunday morning. It is exciting to watch the rapid approach of slate...

Owls in the…Peacock Family?

by Trudy Irvine, Education Committee Barry Peacock and Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock and their grandchildren were able to take a few pages out of Farley Mowat’s Canadian classic Owls in the Family earlier this season by watching a nest of Great Horned Owl owlets on...

Baby Turtle Nests

Jane Wilkins shared these photos and comments: “There are always so many turtles in Leisure Bay’s back bay and often we see them laying their eggs in the gravel around the docks.(The top photo shows a black hole is the nest the turtle digs, then lays her...
Here Be Dragons

Here Be Dragons

Squadrons of dragonflies have appeared in the skies of Georgian Bay. The sky in the lee of the closest cedars looks like the busiest airfield imaginable, with masses of them hovering, zigzagging, climbing and diving as they feed and mate on the wing. Like sharks,...