New Burgee with Tekton
Connections Update Header
 Volume 10 No. 8
Dear PaBIA,
The first big weekend of the summer is upon us – with both Canada Day and the Fourth of July just ahead. It is a week filled with reconnecting, celebrating, and, yes, for some, a time to bring on the fireworks!!!
But your PaBIA Board would like you to reconsider those plans.
Given the fact that there has been little to no rain for much of June, the ground is very dry – making it likely kindling for any sparks that might land in the brush – creating the potential for fire. PaBIA would like everyone to consider NOT celebrating with fireworks at their cottage this coming week. (See the Fire Ratings)
Having said that, we understand there will be fireworks this weekend at the station – and we encourage everyone to enjoy them as a community rather than deciding to have their own ‘show and tell’ near their cottage (or close to anyone else’s cottage).  
In speaking to Desmasdon’s about the Sunday July 1 station fireworks, they too are “concerned about how dry it is and will be taking necessary precautions: lighting the fireworks off in the channel surrounding nodes by water and will have a fire pump on standby as well as pre soaking the shoreline around us. If it is too windy we will be forced to cancel; but at this time Desmasdon’s is going forward.” 
So please plan to go into the station for an approximately 9:15 – feel free to be either on Desmasdon’s break wall docks, anchor in at the station, tie to the government docks, or just float around the harbour!
PaBIA wants you to enjoy your Canada Day in style AND safety!

Fire Rating Legend
PaBIA “Spring” Directors’ Meeting
Your Board of Directors had their Spring meeting yesterday at the Ojibway Club to discuss all sorts of issues in the morning (you’ll hear about many of them over the summer) and then hosted a lunch and afternoon with many of PaBIA’s committee members, Marine Patrollers along with all the many organizations with whom we work much of the time: GBA, GBF, GBBR, GBLT, ToA, Ojibway Club, and OHPS.
It was both invigorating and informative listening to how we are all together better collectively than any one of our organizations individually. These organizations, with their many dedicated and experienced volunteers and staff, are constantly working on all of our behalves to sustain Georgian Bay in its pristine and natural state while working in collaboration with the various government agencies to keep it that way!
PaBIA owes them a huge debt of gratitude for all the hard work they do behind the scenes so we can ‘enjoy’ our Georgian Bay!

Advocating for the Island Community
‘Til Next Time, 
Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association 

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