New Burgee with Tekton
Connections Update Header
 Volume 10 No.19
Dear PaBIA,
Well, we can tell that things are beginning to wind down…this eBlast is MUCH shorter – yet still important items to stay up to date on!
The rain over last Thursday night and yesterday’s all afternoon rain (measuring almost an inch out near the Lighthouse) was welcomed with open arms! But to put it into perspective, the PaB area has had less than 3 inches of rain to date here since mid June.
Check out the latest regarding the timing of the PaBIA Survey and Candidates’ Questions and the outbreak (again) of the Pine Sawfly where in some cases, the infestation seems to be much more severe than in previous years. Learn what to do if you find evidence of it.

Fire Extreme
Two Fires, PAR33 up north & PAR43 south of us near Parry Sound, Are Both Being Held
According to Ontario Fire, the PAR 33 fire north of us and PAR43 fire south of us are being held at this time.
Please note: we remain in an Extreme Fire Rating.

Election Corner
Township Elections –
October 2018
The Township has put out a “Common Voter Questions and Answers for eVoting” for your information.
Maryann Weaver, at the Township Office, is ready to receive your email inquiry about whether or not you are on the Voter’s list; and if you are not on it and wish to be, how you can apply for the Amended Voter’s List application. Maryann will be receiving those completed applications, along with your photo ID, either in person at the Township Office in Parry Sound or via email with the appropriate attachments. Once she has received it, she will provide you your PIN necessary to vote either by phone or on the Internet.

Pointe au Baril Islanders' Assn logo
2018 PaBIA Survey
Last week, we advised that PaBIA’s Board intends to survey its members in a follow-up to our last survey undertaken in 2008. The overall purpose of the survey is to learn from you how you wish your Board to proceed on issues relevant to Pointe au Baril.
Given that we are in a municipal election year with the date for the vote closing on October 22nd, the Board has decided that its current focus should be on providing questions to the candidates and publishing their responses (see next article), and that the member survey, already compiled, should be deferred until the election has been concluded. We will therefore request your input through the PaBIA survey after October 23rd.

GBA Questions for the Candidates
GBA Logo New
As noted above, the Georgian Bay Association (GBA), of which PaBIA is a member, has asked that candidates running for election in all 19 of the represented associations up and down the Georgian Bay coastline be asked a series of questions prepared by GBA. PaBIA has received these questions and tailored them modestly to be specific to our area. 
We intend to send the identical set of questions to all 8 candidates in our Township: the Reeve (acclaimed), three candidates in Ward 1 and four candidates in Ward 3 with a request that they respond within a specific time period. The candidates will be advised that the questions and their responses will be published verbatim in a single-purpose eBlast. We hope that you will take the time to review and consider the candidate’s responses as they pertain to you and to this very special place we call our Georgian Bay home.

~ WEEK BEGINNING August 22 ~
(Wed to Wed)

PaBIA Sailing Race – August 25 2:00 p.m.
PaBAR Sailing Race 18
The 44th annual PABAR regatta was held this past weekend in the broad expanse of Shawanaga Bay, to the south of Turning Island. A gentle north breeze started the day and carried us around the first race. By afternoon, the brilliant sun in cloudless skies attempted to start up our westerly thermals but ultimately wasn’t strong enough to dominate. We were left with light airs that came in shifting cats’ paws across the Bay from the west, benefiting the nimble, agile and lucky.
The celebration was held at the Ojibway, with speeches from many, ribbons for all and trophies for the victors. Buck Rogers, a PABAR instigator, regaled us with stories and was duly recognized. Mark Gienow with Chef JT and staff did an excellent job, ensuring the fleet was well nourished by a buffet of succulent selection – thank you to all.
This weekend brings the Body Bell Buoy race. Start is at 2:00 in Lighthouse Bay, and the fleet will tack up the narrows past the lighthouse, to the bell buoy and then turn back to surf the waves home. The final Rendezvous will be hosted by the Regan’s at Brooker where the season’s winners will be feted and laddened with trophies.

Phrag cut before
Marine Patrol LOGO
Phragmites Cut A Success

For the past 2 Sundays, your Marine Patrol and volunteers conducted invasive phragmites cuts around Pointe au Baril. We had approximately 30 volunteers cut phragmites in 7 different locations from Sturgeon Bay to Frederick Inlet. The Marine Patrol would like to give thanks to all of our volunteers from this year with the hopes that next year, if phragmites cuts are needed, that even more of the community will come out to help get rid of this invasive plant. The more we do now to eradicate this plant, the better off our natural habitat will be able to flourish in the future!

Phrag cut after
~ WEEK BEGINNING August 22 ~
(Wed to Wed)

Pig Roast
SOCIAL – For all those U35
A Tennis Tournament
Pig Roast 
2 pm Tennis
5 pm Dinner
Saturday, August 25th
We’re excited to introduce the U35 Tennis Tournament and Pig Roast as a new event this year, offered to anyone aged 21 to 35. The tennis tournament will start at 2pm and go into the early evening, with dinner beginning at 5:00 pm. The event costs $40 per person and is open to both Ojibway Club members and non-members so spread the word! Registration is currently open in the office.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Christie Barrett or Robbie Gunn.

~ Timeless Topics ~
Pine Sawfly is Back in Pointe au Baril
Please look at your trees for possible infestations!
So what to look for? 

Pine Sawfly larvae
Pine Sawfly droppings
What to do if you see this?
Water, water, water. The pine trees are very stressed because of the drought we are experiencing. The Pine Sawfly attacks vulnerable trees. The trees need to be watered down. Use your fire hose and try to rid as many of the caterpillars as you can. If you don’t have a fire hose, water the trees with a regular hose. Kill all caterpillars!! The caterpillars will try to climb back up the tree, so you can try using double sided tape on the base of the tree, to catch a few that are climbing!
Please let me know if you have an infestation of the Sawfly. If people want to do a treatment in the fall or early spring, I can arrange for Georgian Trees to return and do another round of TreeAzin. Contact me at [email protected]

State of the Bay:
Climate Change II

Georgian Bay is warming, our local food web is collapsing and invasive species are on the rise. Every decade, we make the ecosystems upon which we depend more vulnerable.
Powerful computers show that warmer winters in Parry Sound are occurring, affecting species migration, ice travel and safety, and winter recreation. Fewer very cold days can also result in a lack of natural control for certain pests and diseases.
Very hot days are dramatically increasing in Parry Sound, causing droughts, groundwater shortages, crop failure and increased food costs. Forests are vulnerable to pest outbreaks and fires.
Renewable energy is a growing sector that reduces vulnerability to fuel prices. Putting a tax on carbon can work, generating billions of dollars. Cap-and-trade systems are becoming more efficient and reliable on world markets.
Locally, our town gets about 30% of its power from hydroelectric and has proposed generating an additional 60% of its power from a major solar project. If successful, their efforts could exceed international targets 40% emissions reduction by 2030.
There are many ways we can each reduce our carbon footprint, saving energy and money, and reducing impacts on future generations. Visit for a Climate Change Checklist to see how you can help.

Visit State of the Bay for a Climate Change Checklist to see how you can help. Your charitable donation will make an important contribution to the State of the Bay program to help coordinate science, monitoring and research, while supporting ongoing public reporting and education, including our 2023 Report.
The Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve (GBBR) is now a not-for-profit, registered charity (#87100 1335 RR0001) that works to protect the environment, create vibrant communities and support a healthy economy. To help them in their many endeavors to do scientific research in efforts toward saving the Bay, please donate today!

In Memoriam
Paul Breithaupt, A423 – 1 ‘Elmore Is.’, husband of Frances, April 2018

Yearbook Update
Each week, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. However, the details of those changes is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own cottage copy!
Bruce & Janet Gillham (new members)

Fire Rating Extreme

Printable July and August
 Country (4 docs above)
 • Search and Rescue
 • 800-267-7270
 • More About PaBIA 
 • Contact Us 
 •  • PHONE # 647-545-9283 (cell) 
 •  •Seasonal: June 29 - Sept 4
Election Corner
 • Eligibility eBlast 8.8.18
 • Are You Registered 8.15.18
 • Arts on the Bay 2018
 •  • 705 383 2241
 • MNR Bear Wise
 • Ojibway Club  
 • Newsletter
 • Water Levels
GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve 
 xx• Fish 7.25.18
Affiliated Organizations 
 • FOCA - Federation of  • Ontario Cottagers’ Association
 • IJC – International  • Joint Commission 
 • CGLR - Council of the Great  • Lakes Region
In Depth Articles
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PaBIA’s Yearbook 

This site’s advertising feature was created to provide assistance for special local news events for existing Yearbook advertisers only.
text: 647-458-9222 or [email protected] 

Advocating for the Island Community
‘Til Next Time, 
Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association 
PaBIA reserves all rights regarding decisions on communications to its members
in accordance with the PaBIA Policy on Communications