by PaBIA | Jul 14, 2021 | Fire Emergency, Safety
Do you know where your nearest PaBIA fire pump is from your cottage? If not, find those listed on pages 133-139 of the 2021 Yearbook In the time of a crisis, would you be able to start one of the 4 Wajax pumps? It would be wise to become familiar with them if you are...
by Ann Dority | Jun 30, 2021 | Boating Safety, Safety
by Ann Doritty, Member of the Education Committee Speeding boats have become a major problem on all lakes. There is a group in Muskoka called “Safe Quiet Lakes” that has banded together to promote the value of S L O W Boating. They are asking people to be...
by Ann Dority | Jun 10, 2021 | Boating Safety, Safety
Just as it is important to know the Rules of the Road, it is vital to know the Rules and Regulations on the Water. As summer begins and we all rush out to enjoy the beauty of Georgian Bay, please take the time to ensure that you are well prepared. You...
by Hilde Clark | May 12, 2021 | Fire Emergency, Safety
Once there is a fire on your property, it’s too late to start figuring out who can help. Knowing who is in your vicinity and has a working Firepump can help you and your neighbours plan for a fire emergency before it happens. Watch this 6 min video – it might...
by PaBIA | May 11, 2021 | Boating Safety, Safety
The larger the wake, the greater the potential for undesirable side effects Loons, & other birds that nest along the shore, choose locations that are protected from waves generated by the prevailing winds. However, boat wake, which can come from any direction, can...
by David Anderson | May 5, 2021 | Medical Emergency, Safety
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