by David Anderson | Aug 29, 2015 | Community, Ratepayers
Legacy or Liability: The connection between conservation, estate planning, and Canadian taxes Prepared for U.S. taxpayers by: Georgian Bay Land Trust American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts Grant Thornton LLP read more …
by David Anderson | Aug 27, 2015 | Fish & Fish Biology
Fishing in General: Invasive Species: Asian Carp...
by Hilde Clark | Aug 26, 2015 | Eblasts
I think everyone would say that the August weather has arrived…along with some welcome rain, some billowy white clouds and sparkling blue waters. I hope if you’ve had to return to the city, that you’ll still be able to enjoy weekends on the...
by Hilde Clark | Aug 21, 2015 | Eblasts
David, A Double Dipper – Meteor Shower & Northern Lights Thanks to an astute photographer, Trent Pipher, we can see both the Perseids Meteor Shower and the northern lights from last Wednesday’s spectacular showing of nature at its best!...
by Graham Smith | Aug 17, 2015 | Boating Safety
For anyone who would like to take the boating test to receive their boating license can do so by signing up either at the Marine Patrol or the Ojibway offices. Randy Johnson can be contacted for further details or questions. These tests are given in the Ojibway lounge...