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Volume 16 No. 13

We have finally seen a return of warmer, sunnier weather here in PaB! Even the wind has died down a bit! This week is busy with the Flying Scot Regatta on Thursday, at 11 am and the Junior Regatta set for Saturday at 9 am with the Sailing Races on Sunday at 2 pm.

Looking ahead, we have the Senior Regatta on Saturday, August 3, and the highly popular PaBIA Pancake Breakfast and AGM on MONDAY, August 5.

Join us on Sunday, August 11 for our August PaBIA Naturalist with Tianna Burke, GBB, about the diversity and importance of reptiles in our area.

Have you ever wondered what the bottom of the Great Lakes looked like? Ever wonder what you’d find? On Tuesday, August 13, at 3 pm, Georgian Bay Forever and Inspired Planet’s “All Too Clear” documentary will be shown in the movie hut. We are fortunate to have Producer Yvonne Drebert and Director Zack Melnick with us to share what they found underwater in the Great Lakes and answer your questions.

Put all these events on your calendar now!

Table of Contents In this eBlast:

  • On-The-Water Boater Coaching with Randy Johnson – Wednesday, July 24 (last one in July)
  • PaBIA Sailing 2024 – This Sunday for 7th & 8th Races, 2 pm
  • PaBIA Junior Regatta THIS Saturday – 9 am on July 27th
  • PaBIA Senior Regatta – 11 am on August 3rd
  • PaBIA Pancake Breakfast and AGM – 9 am on MONDAY, August 5th
  • Meet Will Lawler – proposed for PaBIA Board of Directors 2024-2025
  • Check out the JuneJulyand August Calendars
  • Ojibway Club Art Show – August 8-11
  • Ojibway Club Art Show – Calling for Volunteers
  • Archipelago Express – Summer edition
  • Handy Recycle Reference Chart
  • Pointe au Baril Library Book Suggestions
  • SFN PowWow – August 17-18
  • Yearbook Update – July 15, 2024
  • In Memoriam – Tom Horler
  • Lake Michigan-Huron Water Levels – July 23, 2024


Missing/Broken Markers Contact Info

Should you find any 
misplaced, missing or broken 
PaBIA markers, please
email Tom Cavers IMMEDIATELY or
go to PaBIAi’s webpage!

We encourage all those from 4 – 14 years to join in the fun for PaBIA’s Junior Regatta at 9 am on Saturday, July 27th at the Ojibway Front Docks. Please encourage your children, grandchildren, and their friends to join in the fun as they participate in the diving, swimming, and canoeing competitions! The awards and trophies will be displayed and handed out at the conclusion of the races! The Ojibway Club will again be offering lunch and drinks for everyone!

Get/Renew boating skills. The Ojibway Club Office has a signup sheet for anyone interested in gaining skills in maneuvering and docking their boat. So sign up and bring your boat to the back docks where Randy Johnson will guide and teach you new skills! Be the envy of the Bay!!!

His next available coaching day is next Wednesday, July 24. Please email Randy directly to let him know you would like to participate and include your cell phone so he can contact you should inclement weather or something else prevent him from holding the session.

PaBIA sailing races are THIS Sunday for sailing races (7th and 8th) and will be held in Matthews Bay. Everyone is encouraged to come and join in. If you’d like more information regarding the sailing, and opportunities to join a crew, contact PaBIA’s Sailing Commodore, Andrew Vanderwal.

On Thursday @ 11 am is the annual Flying Scot Regatta! Come out for this fun event and BYOL picnic to follow!

Should you wish to get weekly, more detailed information regarding the sailing races & rendezvous following each race, please email Andrew to be added to the list. The full year’s schedule can be found on PaBIA’s website!

Will Lawler has been acting as the Member Activities Director since last March and is now being proposed to become an official Director at this year’s AGM.

Will is a third-generation Pointe au Baril cottager who has been deeply involved in the island community his whole life. His passion for the islands stems from a lifetime of boating, participating in Regattas and the sailing community, making friends on the Ojibway Island docks, and enjoying the natural beauty of Georgian Bay. Will loves welcoming new cottagers to the island community and is a proud PaBIA member. This year he is excited to sit on the board as the Member Activity Director. 

PAB Community Centre: Monday & Wednesday: 9:30-11:30am

Oh, the anticipation of summer reading! A time to relax and enjoy books of our choice. For many readers this means a deep dive into the latest biography, historical inquiry or scientific investigation. The PAB Library’s recent acquisitions include David Grann’s The Wager and General David Petraeus’s Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine. Today’s eblast highlights three non-fiction books written by Canadians.

Nahlah Ayed, host of CBC Radio’s Ideas, writes a spellbinding biography of a French Canadian soldier, Guy d’Artois, and British woman, Sonia Butt, who meet during training for the Special Operations Executive (SOE), Winston Churchill’s secret army. “Even during training Sonia and Guy’s relationship was a matter of debate. Opinion was divided among their instructors about whether such a love affair would be a help or hindrance in the field.” They land separately in France and what follows is a remarkable story of the survival of each in the Resistance against Nazi Germany and after 1945.

In his fifth Arctic exploration book, Searching for Franklin, Ken McGoogan, historian and Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, presents ‘new answers to the Great Arctic Mystery’. McGoogan offers an unconventional approach to history by writing a nonlinear narrative that interweaves two main storylines. At the end of the book McGoogan “presents John Franklin as a well-meaning plodder who could not learn from Canada’s Indigenous Peoples, for two reasons.” A reading of the book provides the answers to the Great Arctic Mystery.

If you were mesmerized by The Golden Spruce (in PaB Library), an intriguing story of trees and treason, Fire Weather: The Making of a Beast is a must read. The central character is wildfire, described as ‘an apocalyptic conflagration.’ In May of 2016 the petroleum town of Fort McMurray was consumed by a wildfire that forced a population of 88,000 from their homes in a single afternoon. To understand the event, John Valliant focuses on the evolution of the oil industry and its intersection with climate science. Though no one was burned or injured, “the fire injured people in other ways, and the toll it took – on first responders, evacuees, the city, the industry, the forest, the rivers, the atmosphere – is still being assessed.”

Of Interest

The Ojibway Art Show is just 3 weeks away! 
August 8-11th the Club will be transformed into an art gallery and market place. 

For a preview of the show, our online gallery opens July 25th this week! 
Purchases can be made as of August 8th.

We are seeking volunteers to help at the Ojibway Club Art Show and Marketplace again this year. Many roles need to be filled to help run the show smoothly!

You can support the beloved Ojibway Club fundraiser by

  • Helping out in the gallery for a few hours,
  • Manning a vendor’s booth,
  • Helping at check-out for the Marketplace (if you are quick and precise with numbers)!
  • Boating artists and vendors to and from Desmasdons? 
  • Email Madeleine Arsenault about other opportunities where you could assist!

It is a great deal of fun, and we so appreciate any contribution of your time and effort.

Sign up by clicking on this: sign up volunteer sheet or contact via email: Madeleine Arsenault  directly.

Here is the Township of the Archipelago’s newsletter to help you stay current on issues around PaB and the Township that affect all of us. Click here for the full edition.

In This Issue:

  • Corporate Services
  • Fire
  • Mass Notification
  • Site Alteration & Tree Preservation By-laws
  • Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review/Update
  • Operations and Facilities
  • Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere
  • Great Lakes Meetings
  • Building Department Updates
  • Northern 911

Properly disposing of waste is important to maintaining and lengthening the life of Site 9 (the alternative isn’t cheap)

See the chart below – better yet, click on it to download, print, and keep it as a handy reference! It behooves us all to recycle right! And these lists have changed over time…so be sure you are in the know!

Yearbook Update

With each eBlast, we will provide you a list of names of those members who have provided updated contact information. The details of all the changes since the 2023 yearbook came out in early May are provided in THIS  printable format   for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook! Changes as of June 23 are below.

For reporting Markers’ problems
contact Tom Cavers by cell (pg. 267 in yearbook) or email

For contacting Secretary-Treasurer and Asst. Sec. Treas.
Nancy Rogers and Elise Findlay: contact.pabia@gmail-com

J. Gibson (addition)

Tom Horler, past PaBIA family member, A97-3, son of the late Hugh and Anne Horler, husband of Yoshiko, brother of Aileen, Kate, Eve, Georgia and Jacquie Horler, July 8, 2024.

Water Levels

Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels July 23rd, 2024

To better read the charts, please click on the chart for the Daily or Six Month Forecast Water level chart and the corresponding websites

Please support PaBIA’s Yearbook Advertisers 2024

This site’s advertising feature was created to provide assistance for special local information & events for existing Yearbook advertisers only.