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Volume 16 No. 12

Fire Pump Demo – Thanks to Mark Payne, Dave Sharpe (using fire hose), & Randy Johnson, PaBIA Chair of Fire Safety Is Your Fire Pump Ready?

With warmer temperatures and blue sunny skies, after a huge of rain (roughly 5 inches in the past 10 days or so, and with a few more boats out and about, PaBIA is ready to go! And the rain didn’t stop members from checking out their fire pumps and sending in their pictures for the 5 $100 prizes. Check out the winners below!

We are excited to roll out our first ever PaBIA Film Series featuring Pointe au Baril’s own Water Brothers, Alex and Tyler Mifflin, this Sunday at 10 am with their two ½ hour documentaries on Paving Over Paradise and The Great Plastic Lakes. Come hear and learn more about our Great Lakes and what is causing concern..get your questions answered!

Make sure all boats, large and small, have designated running lights on at dusk so the other guy can see you!

Table of Contents In this eBlast:


  • PaB’s own Mifflin Brothers Bring 2 Documentaries: “Paving Over Paradise” & “The Great Plastics Lakes” – THIS Sunday @ 10 am in the OC Movie Hut
  • Does Your Tinny Have Working Bow and Stern Lights? Other Small Craft?
  • On-The-Water Boater Coaching with Randy Johnson – Wednesdays
  • Congratulations ‘Start Your Fire Pump’ Contest Winners!
  • PaBIA Sailing 2024 – This Saturday’s 3rd & 4th Races, 2 pm
  • Dragonflies Emerging
  • 1906 Group – AA & Alanon – Mondays 7 pm at Ojibway Club
  • Check out the JuneJulyand August Calendars


  • Older Craft Exempt from Pleasure Craft Licence Expiry Search
  • Join Georgian Bay Biosphere’s Bioblitz on July 19th 11 am – 3 pm
  • Yearbook Update – July 8, 2024
  • In Memoriam – Hoot Gibson
  • Lake Michigan-Huron Water Levels – July 8, 2024

Lost and Found

  • Italian made Sunglasses
  • I Phone


Missing/Broken Markers Contact Info

Should you find any 
misplaced, missing or broken 
PaBIA markers, please
email Tom Cavers IMMEDIATELY or
go to PaBIAi’s webpage!

Within 24 hours over the weekend, 3 different boats, all tinnies, were ‘seen’ at dusk WITHOUT navigational lights, each full of people going somewhere! One boat used a flashlight as the stern light, but it was hardly visible. One boater shared that, had s/he not slowed down, they weren’t sure what would have happened; yet convinced it was an accident ready to happen. Others have reported hearing boats in the dark passing their island or in a channel, with no lights on.

The simple solution for these small tinnies is to affix easy-to-install front and rear navigational lights (pictured on the left) for the times when your kids & grandkids (or yourselves) are out at dusk for a sunset ride or going home after dark.

Matt French tells me the marinas are stocked now for anyone wishing to purchase this important (and required) safety feature!

Canoes, rowboats, and other self-propelled watercraft are also subject to these navigational requirements. The law requires them to have full safety equipment, especially if operated at dusk and after. And that’s dusk not dark. This type of craft is even more at risk as they are quiet and cannot be heard or maneuvered to get out of the way. 

Jet skis also need running lights beginning at dusk and are subject to all the same navigational requirements.

Let’s keep EVERYONE safe and alive from dusk onward by using navigational lights on ALL small boats so that those in larger boats (who should be using their built-in lights) approaching these smaller and less visible boats in our waterways can see the more vulnerable ones.

Get/Renew boating skills. The Ojibway Club Office has a signup sheet for anyone interested in gaining skills in maneuvering and docking their boat. So sign up and bring your own boat to the back docks where Randy Johnson will guide and teach you new skills! Be the envy of the Bay!!!

Be sure to check if Randy is available on any given Wednesday.

PaBIA Sailing’s 3rd and 4th races are this Saturday at Loon Island. EVERYONE is encouraged to come and and join in. If you’d like more information regarding the sailing, and opportunities to join a crew, contact PaBIA’s Sailing Commodore, Andrew Vanderwal.

Should you wish to get weekly, more detailed information regarding the sailing races & rendezvous following each race, please email Andrew to be added to the list. The full year’s schedule can be found on PaBIA’s website!

Ever wonder what the flags and gunshots designate?

Start Sequence and Related Flags

  • Blue flag: Committee boat on station
  • 5 Minutes: 1 gun warning and white flag up
  • 4 Minutes: 1 gun and black flag up
  • 1 Minute: White flag down
  • Start: Start red flag raised (will remain raised for 1 minute)

General Recall: 2 guns after the start

Postponement: Three guns

As cottagers new and old arrive back on the waters of Georgian Bay, it is a time of emergence. People are emerging on the Ojibway Club and Station docks for another summer season. And just as people are enjoying the balmy summer weather, so too are the little insects and bugs of Pointe au Baril.

Here a Green Darner dragonfly (pic by Mike Berton!) is pulling its delicate and bright body out of its last exoskeleton, turning from a nymph to an adult. Dragonflies undergo what is called an incomplete metamorphosis. They move from egg to nymph to adult with no pupal stage. The dragonfly nymph pulls itself out of the water, eventually breaking their exoskeleton and pulling itself out. After extracting their bodies out of their nymphal exoskeletons, they rest for a while, taking a well-deserved breather. During this time they wait for their wings to develop and dry, so they can stretch them out fully for takeoff. You can see here that this dragonfly is still waiting for its wings to fully develop. After this, the dragonflies begin to harden, creating a new exoskeleton to protect their soft bodies.

So whether you are a dragonfly emerging from their exoskeleton or a dedicated cottager opening up your cottage to enjoy a summer on the Bay, there is a shared sense of renewal in the air. This transformation brings life and activity to the shores of Pointe au Baril, a reconnection of nature and community. Both cottagers and dragonflies remind us of the cycles of life, growth, and change that define this shining place. by Emma Manners, Director of Environment

Dylan O’Neill
Kevin Ambrose
Dave Sharpe & His Grandsons

A big thanks to everyone who participated in the contest!! Lots of fun and good practice for all involved. Although this summer has started with a lot of rainy weather, conditions can change quickly and it’s great to be Fire Smart and Be Prepared.

Five lucky contest entrants each won $100!  

Here they are with their fire pumps running:

Jonathon Gillham
Koen Mcghee, Colin Urie, Kyle Urie

For the 2nd summer, starting on July 1 at 7pm, there will be weekly Monday evening meetings of the 1906 Group at The Ojibway Club. 

The 1906 Group is an open meeting – all are welcome – loosely based on traditional meetings of Al-Anon and AA. Many of us in Pointe au Baril have loved ones who battle various addictions and substance disorders – and of course, others of us face these challenges ourselves or simply want to hear how others have overcome their cravings. The 1906 Group will alternate between speaker-led formats and readings about the disease of “more”, and there will always be opportunities for individuals to share openly and discreetly. Remember… what you hear here, who you see here, stays here…

We look forward to seeing you on Mondays at 7pm in July and August!

Of Interest

Join GBB this July 19th at 11 am for a picnic lunch (bring your own) and BioBlitz! GBB staff will gather at the Ojibway Club front docks at 11 am and lead a boat train out to an island. After lunch we will explore, looking for as many plants and animals as can be found. Learn about local species, have fun, and ask naturalists your burning ecological questions!

What is a BioBlitz? From the National Environment Treasure“Bio” means “life” and “blitz” means “a sudden, energetic and concerted effort.” It brings people together to discover local plants and animals and record their findings. Become a community scientist by learning about species, how to identify them, and recording as many species as you can find!

Download iNaturalist before the event to participate in citizen science! Find the setup instructions for iPhone and Android

Regarding last week’s Pleasure Craft License Expiration notice, it has been brought to our attention that if your boat still has an old licence printed on the side of the boat that begins with 35E or 50E, it is exempt from this requirement!  Visit TC’s webpage, for a link to the expiry search tool; you’ll need your boat licence number to search.

Important note: This is different than the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) which is a proof of competency that is valid for life, once acquired through an accredited boating safety course and test.

FOUND: Iphone under Ojibway Dock. Sim card should be intact. Contact Rebecca Middleton

FOUND: Sunglasses under Ojibway Dock with blue reflective lenses. The frames are COSTA Reefton Pro.
Made in Italy. Contact Rebecca Middleton

Yearbook Update

With each eBlast, we will provide you a list of names of those members who have provided updated contact information. The details of all the changes since the 2023 yearbook came out in early May are provided in THIS printable format  for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook! Changes as of June 23 are below.

For reporting Markers’ problems
contact Tom Cavers by cell (pg. 267 in yearbook) or email

For contacting Secretary-Treasurer and Asst. Sec. Treas.
Nancy Rogers and Elise Findlay: contact.pabia@gmail-com

Pierre & Renee Delafranconi (new members)

Molly & David Fassbender (new members)

Robert Vokes & Jane Edwards (new members)

Donald ‘Hoot’ Gibson, A255-1 West Clare Is., husband of Bonnie (nee Bryce), father of Grant (Jenny Dolden), Julie (Jeff Turnbull) and Bryce (Liz) Gibson, brother-in-law of Peter (Heather Stuart) Bryce, Alison Bryce and Douglas (Helen) Bryce, July 1, 2024.

Water Levels

Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels July 8th, 2024

To better read the charts, please click on the chart for the Daily or Six Month Forecast Water level chart and the corresponding websites

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