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Volume 14 No. 20
PaBIA hopes that all Canadians were able to totally enjoy their Thanksgiving last weekend wherever you were!
Your Board continues to meet on a monthly basis as we look ahead to 2023. As PaBIA continues to look ahead, we are thrilled to welcome Elise Findlay as our new assistant Secretary/Treasurer. We are also encouraging every eligible voter to consider voting before October 24!!! Are you eligible?
In this eBlast:
- Voting for Township of the Archipelago for School Board Trustee BEFORE Oct 24
- PaBIA Welcomes Our New Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Elise Findlay!
- Reminder re Your Off-Season Patrol Card!
- Send Stories and/or Pictures for Yearbook 2023!
- Off Season Tennis Continues until the end of October!
- In Memoriam – Toby Wagner
- Lake Michigan-Huron Water Levels – October 4, 2022
- Yearbook Update 2022 as of August 23
From Your President
From PaBIA’s President, Dave Sharpe
PaBIA Members…
Our Councillors for Ward 1 & 3 are Acclaimed,
BUT Your VOTE for School Trustee is Needed!!
Acclaimed Ward 3 Councillors, Scott Sheard and Earl Manners, will be stepping up to again represent our Ward for another 4 years. Laurie Emery will do the same for Ward 1 and will be joined by Tom Lundy. We are in good hands with all four of our acclaimed Councillors!!! Thank you for all you have done and will do.
Our Tax Dollars at Work
It is in all our interests to have the best education for village children, and we need to ensure our tax dollars go to that imperative. As your President, I would suggest we have a democratic obligation to cast our votes accordingly.
YOUR vote is critically important as it will help drive the outcome for who will represent our Wards as the Parry Sound School Trustee after this fall’s Municipal Election in The Township of the Archipelago. Check out the information below re:
- The two Candidates
- Eligibility to vote
- Ease for online and telephone voting.
1. Candidates
Please click on their names to learn more about them from articles written about each person
2. Eligibility to Vote
Many PaBIA members will be non-resident electors. However, it is important to note that, in addition to meeting residency requirements, qualified owners must be 18 years old or older, must be a Canadian citizen, and must otherwise not be prohibited from voting under the Ontario Municipal Elections Act.
To further answer the question as to who can and cannot vote, our Governance Director, Mary Thomson, wrote this on pages 49-50 of the 2022 yearbook regarding the vote. For a more detailed description, please see your yearbook.
3. Ease of Voting
Also, please note that voting is easy for all qualified voters.
Visit this Township page for all the details for online and telephone voting.
To vote, you will need
- a PIN number (perhaps you’ve already received this in the mail) and
- your date of birth.
PaBIA Welcomes Our New Assistant Secretary-Treasurer!
Elise Findlay is joining the PaBIA team as Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and brings to the role a variety of experience and a deep love of Pointe au Baril. Elise was born, raised, and currently lives in Banff, AB, where she works as an artist and is entering her final year of a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Alberta University of the Arts in Calgary. Elise has sat on several boards and committees in her community and has experience working as a treasurer. She is a lifelong learner with a bachelor’s degree from Dalhousie University in Sociology and Comparative Religion and a certified Red Seal Cabinetmaker.
Elise grew up spending summers in Pointe au Baril at the cottage built by her grandfather, Hugh B. Hall, now shared between her mother, Betsy Hall-Findlay, and uncle, Doug Hall. She considers herself incredibly lucky to be able to spend most of her summers in Pointe au Baril, creating art, spending time with family, and exploring this amazing place. Elise is looking forward to working with PaBIA and with Nancy Rogers as assistant secretary/treasurer and to becoming more involved in the Pointe au Baril community.
Patrolman Tags Should be on Your Building(s)
We hope that you have placed your patrolman’s tags on your cottage in a visible spot for Bruce Tiffin to mark over the off-season.
Should you not have placed it on the outside of your cottage, please email Nancy to let her know and she can help you!
Have a Story or Pictures to Share?
Thank you to the many who have sent me pictures for the 2023 yearbook. If you are one who had intended to, but would still like to share, please do!!!!
And I also want to remind everyone that this Yearbook is YOUR book…your stories are most welcome and are the difference between an informative book AND a great one!
I cannot promise to use them all, but please check with me by the end of the year if you have any interest in doing so. Any stories would need to be sent to Hilde by mid-January 2023.
Please email them to Hilde
Granite Off-Season Tennis and Pickleball for EVERYONE thru Oct
Sept 6 thru October 2022; May 20 thru June 2023
Daily at 10 am
Contact Brad Honsberger for further information
Yearbook Updates
With each eBlast, we will provide you a list of names of those members who have provided updated contact information. The details of all the changes since the 2022 yearbook came out in late April are provided in THIS printable format for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook! As of August 24th, here are the changes.
Water Levels
Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels October 4th, 2022
To better read the charts, please click on the chart for the Daily or Six Month Forecast Water level chart and the corresponding websites
Please support PaBIA’s Yearbook Advertisers 2022
This site’s advertising feature was created to provide assistance for special local information &
events for existing Yearbook advertisers only.
Click on the logo to go to the website
• PaB Nursing Station
• Canadian Coast Guard
Search and Rescue
• PaBIA Emergency info
- PaBIA Map 2019 correction
- Environment and Nature
- Education