New Burgee with Tekton
Connections Update Header
 Volume 10 No. 6
Dear PaBIA,
It seemed rather quiet up here last week, allowing us to hear the birds singing a symphony while the seagulls came for a ‘visit’ (seems they missed us!)…and the sunny Saturday seem to host a bit more boat traffic. Sunday was rainy so a great way to get things inside the cottage! And now the sunshine and blue skies have returned! Hope you are planning to be here very soon!

CORRECTIONS to Yearbook Emergency Info
On page 135 of the 2018 Yearbook, Marine Emergencies, the correct phone number for the Marine Patrol is: 
Please ADD IT to your phone now!
(correct on the fold out cover flap, and on page 119)
On page 119 & on the fold-out cover flap, the GPS coordinates were mixed up. It should read:  
45. _ _ degrees N and 80. _ _ degrees W
Please correct these in your Yearbook/back flap NOW!

Emergency Preparedness In Pointe au Baril – GPS
Emergency icon
Over the summer, we hope to highlight important emergency precautions to assist you in gaining important info that someday may save your life or that of a loved one!
Turn GPS on or off - Apple iPhone 7 Plus
  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.
  2. Scroll to and tap Privacy.
  3. Tap Location Services.
  4. Tap the Location Services switch to turn it on for GPS or off.
Turn GPS on / off on an android (Samsung) phone
  1. From any Home screen, tap Apps.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Privacy and safety.
  4. Tap Location.
  5. If necessary, slide the Location Switch right to the ON position, then tap Agree.
  6. Tap Locating method.
  7. Select desired locating method: GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile networks. Wi-Fi and mobile networks. GPS only.
Or Google how to turn on your GPS on your model of phone!

PaBIA logo
Township Elections – October 2018
As your ratepayer association, part of PaBIA’s mandate is to educate our membership on the issues affecting you, whatever they are. In that regard, PaBIA’s Board is aware that this October there is a Township election for our next Councilors to serve on your behalf for the next 4 years. Over the past several years, many of our members have asked us, in one way or another, “Why don’t more people run for Council?”
Taking this cue from our members, the PaBIA Board would like to invite all interested and willing folks in our community to consider running for Council this year. There is an educational and free Candidate’s Information Session being held tomorrow, Thursday June 21st, in Parry Sound at 7:00 pm to go over various aspects of the position. We would like to encourage anyone interested in learning more about the process to go into Parry Sound tomorrow for that session. If you are unable to be there on such short notice, please read the information provided by the Township and know there is an online ‘course’ to give you further information. The deadline and filing requirement with the ToA regarding your intent to run is July 27th. Time is of the essence, but we hope those who are willing and able will seriously consider filing.
For the benefit of all our members, we look forward to multiple candidates declaring and then participating in a written series of questions/answers to give us a better picture of the views of each candidate. If possible, PaBIA would be willing to host a Q & A session in August. Our aim is to fulfill PaBIA’s educational responsibilities and insure that every voter have the opportunity to be well informed about matters that are of most concern to them.

Large Item Pick Up Day – this Saturday
TOA Logo
Large items may be brought to the Government docks and placed on the loading ramps.
June 23rd: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
There will be a loader available to place larger items into the bin
ONLY large items will be accepted:
(refrigerators, stoves mattresses, beds, furniture, BBQs, etc.).
Small items will not be accepted.
Not sure whether your item qualifies,
Call the Township (705)746-4243 Ext 311

Sailing 2018 Begins!
Sailing Aug 15
On Saturday, June 23, the sailing season will begin with the Tune Up race in Ojibway Bay.  The weather channel tells me it will be sunny and 21 degrees, so make your plans to attend now. Rendezvous will be hosted by Mary and Brad Honsberger, A510-9, Hap’s Place. BYOB.
This will be the first race in over 3 decades that a Mosley is not in charge. Think of that! What an amazing run! What dedication! Mike Mosley and his father before him have made sure there was a fair start and a recorded finish for the 6,000 boats that sailed over that time. Mike and family truly epitomize the spirit of generosity that makes PaB so special. Mike and Sue joined us last weekend at the Race Committee Pre-season Rendezvous where a grateful fleet showed their love and appreciation. Thanks Mike!
Below: Mike and Sue Mosley with Bob and Jane Mosley Summer 2017

PaBIA logo
ice cream cone
PaB Triathlon

Saturday, July 21st @ 9:00 a.m.
Ojibway Back Docks
Register NOW for $15 as PaBIA Member
(1st 30 registrants are free!)
Not a member? Why not join up!
Celebrate your participation with a
FREE Ojibway Club
TRI-CONE triple scoop ice-cream!

New PaBIA Map for 2019
It is that time again for printing an updated PaBIA Map. And we need your help as the update map will be based on those who contact us.
We ask that you take a very close look at the PaBIA map you own for the following:
  • Is your island named/spelled correctly?
  • Are the buildings properly placed?
  • Is there information missing?
  • Is there something inaccurate:
• a channel name?
• a marker miss marked?
Jim Rogers has kindly agreed to help Mike Mosley collect all the changes in order to properly update the new map. It would be another 5 years before another one is printed!
Please note that PaBIA is presently examining how best to create nonbreakable markers as well as how we manage and place our channel guides. Our markers are presently one of the highest cost line items in our budget; and we are looking for more economical ways of producing sturdy markers!
So please look carefully and email Jim with any and all changes NOW.
  • Your ToA number (the green tag on your dock) All mainland members should have a G# rather than an M# to denote mainland property. (Check with the Township if necessary)
  • Your island name
  • # of buildings
  • Your name and email address
  • Changes: “From: _____________ to _______________.
  • Changes: “From: _____________ to _______________.
  • Changes: “From: _____________ to _______________.
  • Any pictures that might serve to help Jim clarify the information.
PaBPlex Committee Asking for Email Support
PaBPlex building
What is the PaBPlex you ask? The Pointe au Baril Community has long wanted a roof to be permanently placed over its ice rink which sits besides the Community Centre and Nursing Station. Other communities have such a covered facility and the Pointe au Baril Community would like to further develop this central core of activity for the entire Archipelago North.
The Pointe au Baril folks envision the area to be very multi purposeful: Farmer’s Market in the summer, cover for the ice rink in the winter, a setting for weddings, lobsterfests, pickle ball, variety of summer events and whatever one’s imagination could conjure up!
Right now, the Councillors of the Archipelago North are asking all ratepayers for support of this concept. Please consider emailing your support by giving
  • your name(s),
  • # of family members in support, and
  • from which Ward you reside as a ratepayer. Most PaBIA members are members of Ward 3.
White Buffalo Healing Training in PaB!
Teepee distant
On June 7, 2018, Vince Pawis Sr., Executive Director of White Buffalo Road Healing Lodge, facilitated a cross-cultural Anishinabe training that was held in the Pointe au Baril islands on Crown Land under the auspices of the Georgian Bay Robinson Huron Treaty area. To facilitate this training, the White Buffalo team temporarily set up a traditional teepee. Did you happen to see it?
White Buffalo Road Healing Lodge is a registered charity based on the Shawanaga First Nation land that, 15 years ago, developed and has run since then a traditional Anishinabe On-Land Cultural-Youth Camp to re-connect Aboriginal, Inuit, Metis and Canadian youth to the land, animals, water, air and fire. This program has been run for the Shawanaga First Nation on the shore of the Shawanaga River just north of highway 69. On top of that, White Buffalo provides advocacy of behalf of Aboriginal, Inuit and Metis peoples within the justice system and in the aftercare process.
Please click on more information if you would like more details about White Buffalo or to donate to help their important work.

GBA Logo New
NEW GBA Update includes:
  • Brush Up on Boating : Apps and guides and on line info sources.
  • OPP 2017 Stats : Tragic Lessons we must not ignore
  • Fire Extinguisher Recall
  • Boating Insurance : Questions you really need to ask
  • New Flare Carriage requirements
  • New Regulations for Stand-Up Paddleboats (SUPs)
  • New Boat Licensing Regulations
  • Know the Laws : Breaking them could be Costly
  • Problems with Channel markers
  • Are you renting out your cottage and you supply power boats.. you have responsibilities.
If you wish to receive the GBA eUpdate sign up at GBA eUpdates.

GBBR and PaBIA Working for Water Quality
GBBR and PaBIA work together to conduct water quality (WQ) monitoring as part of the Township of the Archipelago’s Environment Program. Each year GBBR trains Marine Patrol staff and reports on WQ monitoring. To learn more please read the WQ program in the 2017 report,
Each spring and summer, volunteers in Sturgeon Bay help to monitor WQ by participating in the Lake Partner Program (LPP). LPP is free and collects information on phosphorus, water clarity, and calcium. After a number of years, these data sets can help to provide important information about WQ trends. For example, phosphorus monitoring near Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park reveals a declining trend line (Figure 1).

graph for water quality
Figure 1: Phosphorus monitoring near Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park
Interested in monitoring water quality? Please contact David Bywater

Marine Patrol LOGO
In addition to the LPP, the Marine Patrol conducts enhanced monitoring in Sturgeon Bay to regularly measure temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles. These profiles are necessary to evaluate the oxygen and nutrient concentrations at the bottom of the lake (hypolimnion) to help predict the onset of conditions which might lead to algal blooms.
After monitoring for 2 years, the data shows that Sturgeon Bay is thermally stratified (the surface water is mixed by wind down to a depth of 4-7 meters) in the deepest locations and that an anoxic hypolimnion (all the oxygen is used up allowing phosphorus to enter) develops soon after stratification. These additional nutrients in the lake bottom can stimulate late summer algal blooms.
It is recommended that these collection protocols continue in future years, which may help to explain why Sturgeon Bay blooms in some years but not in others. 

Missing Your Dock Ramp?
washed up ramp
Might this be your ramp that has washed up on A 244 Oneeishta? It was there on the shoreline in May after the ice was out! Now, we are looking for the rightful owners!!
Please contact Christel should you believe it to be yours!

GBBR’s NEW Island Adventure Tour in Parry Sound
The Island Queen has a new sister boat in partnership with the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve.
In May, a new 40-foot, 44-passenger vessel, the 30,000 Island Cruise Line’s new Islander Adventure Tours was launched as the newest addition to encourage folks to go out into the islands where they would disembark on Huckleberry Island for a tour led by GBBR’s docents.
The biosphere’s purpose is to educate visitors on endangered species and, “To offer visitors a little behind-the-scenes of one of the World’s Biosphere Reserves and let them experience the landscape by touching the smooth rocks and seeing up close white pines and blueberry bushes; and to “explain to them why we’re a world biosphere reserve and how the 30,000 islands are unique.

Yearbook Update
Each week, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. However, the details of those changes is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own cottage copy!

In Memoriam
Rev. Canon Robert S.H. Greene, A96-75 ‘Marvin Cottage’, husband of Marion. father of David, Michael, Catherine and Stephen, October 2017.

Fire Rating Moderate

 Country (4 docs above)
 • Search and Rescue
 • 800-267-7270
 • More About PaBIA 
 • Contact Us 
 •  • PHONE # 647-545-9283 (cell) 
 •  •Seasonal: June 29 - Sept 4
 • Arts on the Bay 2018
 •  • 705 383 2241
 • MNR Bear Wise
 • Ojibway Club  
 • Newsletter
 • Water Levels
GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve 
Affiliated Organizations 
 • FOCA - Federation of  • Ontario Cottagers’ Association
 • IJC – International  • Joint Commission 
 • CGLR - Council of the Great  • Lakes Region
In Depth Articles
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PaBIA’s Yearbook 

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Advocating for the Island Community
‘Til Next Time, 
Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association 
PaBIA reserves all rights regarding decisions on communications to its members
in accordance with the PaBIA Policy on Communications