Dear PaBIA,
As things rev up for the peak of the summer season, please be mindful of others on the water, especially those with non-motor boats (kayaks, canoes, paddle boards) who are at the mercy of our bigger boats and the higher wakes that those boats bring. As has been said before, take a look at the size of the wakes your boat creates and then the effect they have on the little guy!
Over the weekend, I picked up a huge chunk of very heavy, wet earth that had been dislodged from the shoreline and was floating in front of the Ojibway. Our large waves against the shoreline, especially with the high water, is causing damage! So beware of wood or chunks of earth floating in the pathway of your boat – and if you see something, please stop and retrieve it! Together we can make PaB waters safe!
In this eBlast:
- PaBIA’s Boater Coaching and PCOC Exam – Today, July 24
- GBLT Painted Rocks Walk with Nick Eyles – Thursday July 25
- MOOSE RADIO-A-THON – West Parry Sound Hospital July 25
- PaBIA’s Junior Regatta – Saturday July 27
- PaBIA’s Sailing Races 7 & 8 – Sunday July 28th
- GBLT’s Conservation & Climate Change – Sunday, July 28
- PaBIA’s Regan Flying Scot Race Week – July 29-31
- ToA Game of Thrones – Tuesday, July 30
- PaBIA’s Senior Regatta – Saturday Aug 3
- PABIA’S Pancake Breakfast & AGM – Sunday Aug 4
- Meet Potential New PaBIA Directors
- Ojibway’s Art Show – Aug 9-11
- PaB Nursing Station – Jared Bonis, NP
- PaB Community Centre Library
- Habitat for Humanity PaB Build – Calling 16+ yr olds
- Monster Fish: Bass; Pickerel; Northern Pike; Muskellunge
- Ontario Birds – Bald Eagle
- Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels (New) July 18, 2019
- Lost – Kayak Paddle
- Yearbook Update
Week Starting Wednesday, July 24th
Wednesday’s PaBIA Coaching and Testing
With Randy Johnson – Today!
Randy Johnson will again teach boater coaching and provide the Boat Pro Seminar and Testing today. Please sign up for either one of these opportunities at the Ojibway Office or PaBIA Marine Patrol Hut behind the Ojibway Gift Shop.
Rock Walk at Painted Rocks
Thursday, July 25 (rain date August 1),
12 pm picnic, 1 pm walk,
Painted Rocks (Charles Inlet)
Join the Georgian Bay Land Trust and “rock star” Dr. Nick Eyles for a tour of the geological history seen in the rocks beneath our feet. Optional: come out early and join us for a picnic (bring your own). If you would like to be guided out, a boat convoy will leave the Ojibway Club docks at 11:30 sharp. More information
PaBIA Junior Regatta!
Saturday, July 27th
Ojibway Front Docks
Only days away until the anticipated Junior Regatta! The competitors have been practicing all summer on their diving, canoeing and swimming (right?), and we are ready for another day of friendly competition on the Bay!
Reminder that registration will begin at 9:00 am sharp, with events beginning at 9:30 or sooner.
Join the Fun! Encourage your (grand)children to participate!
Sailing Race – This Sunday 11 a.m.
High Winds, Shifty Gusts for Last Weekend’s Races!
This past Saturday we had two races on the Poplar Island course, with building winds and 25 MPH+ gusts. Quite a challenging few hours! There were many dumped Lasers and Albacores with everyone enjoying the day. Thanks to Jane Wilkins and Derek Wilson who hosted a well-deserved Rendezvous (with a very large barrel of cold beer!).
The next races will be held Sunday July 28 at 11 am on the Middle Reach course, with the Rendezvous hosted by Cam Richardson and Debbie Crossman at A96-62 on Champlain Monument Island. The annual Flying Scot Regatta will be held Friday August 2, starting at 11 am in Ojibway Bay.
LANDMARK Speaker Series: Conservation & Climate Change
Today, July 28, 4-6 pm,
Doritty Cottage on Castor Island (A207-1)
The Georgian Bay Land Trust presents Dan Kraus, Senior Conservation Biologist at the Nature Conservancy of Canada, for a discussion about the
- impacts of climate change on Georgian Bay and
- the critical role of conservation.
Flying Scot Race Week – Begins on Monday!
The annual Regan Flying Scot Race Week hosted by Gail Regan starts Monday July 29 and runs from 9:30 am to noon, with lunch provided. All are welcome to attend this free 3 day course held at her Ojibway Island cottage, which focuses on learning how to race with multiple starts and plenty of on-the-water training. All you need to bring is a lifejacket and some water. For more details, contact Margie Wheler.
No reservation needed! Feel free to just show up on
Monday morning! It’s on a first come, first serve basis!
Annual Flying Scot Regatta
A reminder that the annual Flying Scot Regatta will be held Friday, August 2, starting at 11 am, in Ojibway Bay, whether you have participated in the Racing Week or not!
Upcoming Opportunities
Mark Your Calendars NOW
PaBIA’s Pancake Breakfast & AGM Sunday August 4th
Come enjoy PaBIA’s Pancake Breakfast & and stay for PaBIA’s AGM!
Our new Reeve, Bert Liverance, will speak to the positive changes taking place in our area and the proactive initiatives!
We will also elect our Board members for the next year, and want to introduce you to those new folks being proposed for election: Helen Bryce, Tom Lundy, Mike Phippen and Dave Sharpe.
Proposed New Directors:
Helen Bryce was educated at New York University (BS) and Columbia University Teachers College (MA). Over her career as an Art educator and later, as a classroom teacher, she taught junior, senior and high school students in a variety of schools in Toronto. Her work as a teacher, Project Teacher and then Vice-principal at Lord Dufferin Jr. Sr. P. S. in Regent Park, was a turning point in her understanding of equity, generational poverty, the challenges for new arrivals to Canada and growing up in the social isolation of housing projects. She continued as an administrator as Principal of Earl Grey Senior P. S. for nine years until retirement in 2012.
Since retirement she has enjoyed serving on several volunteer boards: Ojibway Club, Ojibway Historical Preservation Society, Kick Start Arts, and Georgian Bay Forever.
A fourth generation cottager at Pointe au Baril, Helen has grown up with the Bay in her sights and the granite under her bare feet, marvelling at sunsets, wildlife and the mystery of weather and water that makes Georgian Bay the unique and unforgettable experience that it is. There is no place on earth that she would rather be and is honoured to be able to apply her skills as an educator to the protection of Georgian Bay.
Tom Lundy came onto the Board as Member Safety Director last fall to fill the void left by Scott Sheard when he became a Ward 3 Councillor. Tom and his wife, Jan, feel truly blessed to live in Pointe au Baril year-round. Cottagers since 2000, they moved here permanently in 2013 when Tom retired after 42 years in the consumer packaged goods industry.
Tom’s background includes a wide range of volunteer service including being on the Board of Our Sturgeon Bay Pointe au Baril Ratepayer’s Association for 7 years, 4 of which he served as Vice President, plus serving with the Ontario Hockey Federation & Hockey Association.
For the past 4 years he served as Township’s Councillor for Ward 1. During those years, he served on the Parry Sound EMS Advisory Committee (TOA Representative), saved the Ambulance Base from possibly being relocated to Britt which in turn resulted in PaB’s Nursing Station & Ambulance Base complex and served to guide the building of the new playground adjacent to the nursing station.
Mike Phippen first came to Pointe au Baril at 6 weeks of age and has never missed a summer in his 68 years: he’s played tennis, sailed, hunted, fished, canoed, kayaked, camped and even wintered in PaB.
Michael spent 40 years in the investment industry, retiring in 2016 as a Senior Vice President and Managing Director from the Bank of Montreal’s investment arm “Nesbitt Burns”. He acted as President of the Kitchener and District Investment Dealers Association.
Michael is well suited to the Environment Portfolio as his avocations include being a past President of the Ruffed Grouse Society of Canada, and more recently, Chair of Wildlife Habitat Canada. His work in Forest and wetlands habitat should serve our Board’s environment portfolio well.
This will be Michael’s second term on the PaBIA Board; during the early 90’s Michael acted as chair of the Junior Regatta.
Dave Sharpe is a founding partner of one of Canada’s most successful brand marketing agencies; 6 Degrees Integrated Communications. 6 Degrees’ longstanding client relationships with some of Canada’s top consumer products companies and national retailers, has earned this agency the enviable status of ‘trusted partner’ and valued advisor in the building of their client businesses.
Educated at Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario, Dave also spent several years working client-side before founding 6 Degrees in 1988. On a personal note, Dave and wife, Stacey, have been married 36 years, and together with their 3 grown boys, enjoy a shared love for the North Country, golf, tennis and skiing.
Charitable passions stretch across children at risk, environmental protection and women’s issues.
Art Day at Friend Island
August 6, 12-4 pm, Friend Island
Bring your art supplies and a picnic lunch, and join the Georgian Bay Land Trust for a plein air painting afternoon on this beautiful island. Pointe au Baril artist Patricia Peacock-Evans will lead a painting demonstration to kick things off. More information
Ojibway Art Show
Cocktail Party & Art Show –
Friday night, August 9, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Art Show
Saturday and Sunday August 10th & 11th
10:00 am – 4:00 pm Pick up items after 2 pm
Ojibway Hotel Lounge and Dining Room
Pointe au Baril
Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic,
Have you met Jared Bonis,
Nurse Practitioner?
Many of you will have met Jared by now. If you haven’t you are in for a treat. Jared is patient focussed and here to serve. To serve you better, as has been past practise, it’s suggested that you call to make an appointment (705) 366-2376.
Appointments aren’t necessary, just suggested as that decreases your wait time in the Clinic. If it’s an emergency Jared, will do his best to see you ASAP. Alternately, the Health Centre runs a Non-Urgent Walk-in Clinic from the July long weekend until the end of August daily from 12 PM to 4 PM so you have several options for care.
PaB Community Centre’s Library is OPEN
Many new, current books are now on the shelves!
Come see for yourself!
For all new books, it is requested a two week turnaround time!
Library Hours: Open Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00 – 11:30 am
(closed on holidays)
Pointe au Baril Community Centre
West Parry Sound District Museum Offers Plenty to See on your Next Rainy-day Escape!!!
The Look: 100 Years of Fashion. This exhibit explores the political influences, economics and technological advancements that influence the way we dress.
Potawatomi collection of artifacts (Beginning July 30) that is representative of the Wasauksing Island First Nations people.
Forgotten Communities: The Commercial Fishing Villages of Parry Sound explores the fishing villages established along the Georgian Bay during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and the industrial collapse.
Shipwreck Tales of Georgian Bay. A Multimedia Presentation about Great Lake Divers, Underwater Photographers, Maritime Historians and Authors: Cris Kohl & Joan Forsberg. Speaking on Wednesday, August 14th @ 1:00pm.
Special events for children: Hat Making Workshop on Thursday, August 1st. For a fee of $10, kids can have fun decorating a straw hat with flowers, ribbons and birds including admission to 3 museum exhibit rooms. Hats and all supplies included. Please call in advance to register.
17 George Street, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4
Phone: 705-746-5365
Calling all High Schoolers, 16+ !!
If your kids need volunteer hours to graduate from an Ontario high school, what better way to earn them than on a project that will last a lifetime.
Friday, August 9th, is our High Schoolers Help Build Community, Community Service Build Day! A build day designated for your 16+ kids and their friends. Please RSVP to Rachael Allen by August 1st. More details to follow later!
What a beautiful week on the build site; the Habitat house looks nearly unrecognizable with all of its walls up and the second floor beginning!
Thank you to the two families who stopped by this week, the Konieczynski Family and the Allen family, as well as three members of the Ojibway Recreation Staff! To secure a date with your family, please reach out to Rachael Allen.
For more information about how to donate, how to get involved, and updates, just email! We are still in need of your support in order to purchase materials and skilled labour to finish the house. To keep this project going, please consider making a donation to the build and specify “Pointe au Baril Build”.
PaBIA Member Monster Fish photos
In the last eblast, Phil Jenkins challenged local fishers to come forward with photos of this season’s latest catch. Well, PABIA member Jim Huibregtse sure upped the game on some of us, for sure! Check out the photos below…those are some nice fish, all released. Well done Jim and fishing buddy, Joey Nunez!
Upper Left, Jim Huibregtse with a 5.5 lb bass; Upper Right, Joey Nunez with a perfect 7 lb pickerel; Lower Left Jim Huibregtse with a 10 lb northern pike; Lower Right Jim Huibregtse and a 9 lb muskellunge
Please consider dialing Into the
July 25th
6 am – 6 pm
And donating to the West Parry Sound Health Centre
Let’s Help to keep Hospital Care LOCAL!
Ontario Birds – Bald Eagle
(Click on the picture to listen to one of its calls.)
The Bald Eagle that has been near Pavis Island isn’t back this year, (we hope the parents will return next year) but the majestic eagles are still in the area…one nest is on Pontiac Island…and wonder where this fellow was going when this gorgeous picture was taken out near the Limestones! Many thanks to Lisa McDaniel (A 512-1) for sharing her beautiful photography!
Conservation status
Numbers declined seriously during the first two-thirds of the 20th century. Shooting was one major cause; even after the eagles were given full legal protection, they continued to decline, probably because of the effects of DDT and other persistent pesticides. Following the banning of DDT, numbers have been increasing gradually since the 1970s, with spectacular recoveries in some states.
Feeding Behavior
Opportunistic; sometimes a predator, sometimes a scavenger. Does much hunting by watching from a high perch, then swooping down to catch prey in its talons. Also hunts by cruising very low over sea or land, taking prey by surprise. Where fish are abundant (as at spawning runs), may wade in shallow water to pursue them. Sometimes steals fish from Ospreys or other birds. Also lands on ground to feed on carrion.
2, sometimes 1-3. White. Incubation is by both parents, 34-36 days.
At least one parent remains with young almost constantly for first 2 weeks. Both parents bring prey to nest, tearing food into small pieces and feeding it directly to young at first; after 3-6 weeks, young begin pecking at food dropped in nest. In seasons when prey is scarce, only largest young may survive. Age at first flight about 10-12 weeks.
Mostly fish when available, also birds, mammals. Feeds heavily on fish in many areas, including herring, salmon, carp, catfish, many others. When fish are scarce, may eat birds (ducks, coots, auklets, others) or mammals (jackrabbits, muskrats, others). Sometimes eats turtles, crabs, shellfish, other items. Often feeds on carrion; when fish or carrion readily available, may catch few birds or mammals.
Usually first breeds at age 4-5 years, and may mate for life. Nest site is usually in tree, often on cliff in west, or on ground on northern islands. Tree nests are usually in very tall tree, standing above surrounding forest, up to 180′ or more above ground. Nest (built by both sexes) usually a mound of sticks, lined with finer materials; nest may be reused and added to for years, becoming huge. Great Horned Owls sometimes take over nests.
Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels – July 18, 2019
To better read the charts, please click on the chart for a pdf for the Daily Water level (top) chart and the website for the Water Levels six month projection (bottom)
Lost Kayak Paddle
Lost from island A309 2 weeks ago: a String Ray Carbon Kayak paddle. White blade (writing on top) and black carbon shaft. Email: Jim Worts
Yearbook Updates
Each week, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. The details of all the changes since the Yearbook’s came out in April is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook copy!
Advocating for the Island Community,
Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association
PaBIA reserves all rights regarding decisions on communications to its members
Fire Rating
Please click on the logos below for further information on
- PaBIA Bulletin Bd
- Hydro Outage App,
- Coast Guard Environment Canada and
- Order Fire Extinguishers
- Weather for PaB.
Th Bulletin Board above will be operational shortly…we will advise you when it is!
All ‘new’ shortcuts are bolded
Updated June 10, 2019
• Emergency Considerations,
• Search and Rescue
• 800-267-7270
• Survey 2018 –
• Deep Dives
• • PHONE # 647-545-9283 (cell)
• •Seasonal: June 27 - Sept 1
• Britt Coast Guard
GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve
Affiliated Organizations
• FOCA - Federation of • Ontario Cottagers’ Association
• CGLR - Council of the Great • • Lakes Region
In Depth Articles
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