Dear PaBIA,
Wow – what fabulous weather we have been experiencing! We indeed have been very fortunate since the beginning of July…not too many hot days – but August isn’t done with us quite yet, if Monday and Tuesday are any indications!
But that also means that our Fire Rating has returned to HIGH, so please no fireworks and no campfires!
It has just been learned that the OPP is out on the PaB waters in an unmarked metal boat checking on safety equipment in boats…and it would appear to be focusing on kayakers/canoers. Folks have been pulled over and either given warnings for not having a tow rope or actually fined $250 for not having their safety equipment on board. While checking your equipment, make sure you have working batteries in your flashlight!
Perhaps we should use this as a good wake-up call to be sure we have all the necessary safety equipment in ALL our boats!
In this eBlast:
- PaBIA’s Testing 4 Channel Markers
- PaBIA Sailing Races – August 24
- GBF Shoreline Bay Cleanup – August 25
- Fire Extinguishers – 20 Remaining for Anyone!
- PaBIA MP Phragmites Cut a Complete Success!
- Habitat 4 Humanity Build – Roof Going Up! See What’s Next!
- Clean Out Your Cupboards – Donate to PS Harvest Share
- Ontario Birds: Bald Eagle
- Michigan/Huron Lake Water Levels Aug 15, 2019
- USACE Great Lakes Water Levels Outlook – 12 months
- Lost and Found – Backpack and Boat Cushion
- Yearbook Update
Week Starting Wednesday, August 21st
Sailing Races Saturday 8/24 – 2:00 p.m.
Bell Buoy Race this Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
Our final official race of the season will be this Saturday starting and finishing in Lighthouse Bay and sailing out to the bell buoy. The first to cross the finish line in any boat will win the Bud Body Bell Buoy Trophy.
The Rendezvous will be hosted by Gail Regan at Brooker Island where we will give out the August Series and the Summer Awards.
Sunday, August 25th – Lighten the Plastic Pollution
PaBIA’s New Experimental Markers!
PaBIA has always put the safety and well-being of its members foremost, and the navigation markers have always been a top priority for the organization as a way to provide everyone with a trustworthy aid in arriving safely over the waves.
(Per a question raised)There IS reflective tape on them for night time boating, but the colours are in the colour of the marker, red and green, rather than white! That, in and of itself, is a great improvement! The picture above is taken at the eastern end of Hemlock Channel.
These new markers will stay in the channels over the winter to see how they “respond” in the high impact areas, the winter ice and high water. When all is said and done, they will not only provide a more cost efficient navigation aid solution, but one that will undoubtedly improve visibility day and night!
Special thanks to all our PaBIA volunteers who help keep our membership fees down through their valuable expertise and unselfish dedication of time and passion. A special shout out to Jim Rogers, Chair; Bill Culp; Tom Lundy and Tom Scoon. And PaBIA appreciates Andy Blenkarn’s willingness to work with us!
We truly are a fortunate community for all we share.
Below, Darcy and Daniel from Desmasdons, having measure the depth of the water so as to determine the length of chain needed, prepare to drop the 160 kg (350 lbs) weight to which the green marker is attached for final placement! Do you see the OLD green marker? That marker was taken out after the 4 new markers were installed.
Last Call!
There are approximately 20 fire extinguishers left from the ordered stock. These last 20 are up for grabs for whomever would like to come into CCY and purchase them! You can just drop in and grab one or two and get the 25% off while they last!
It’s been a bonanza success with 200 pieces ordered! To help clean out the last few, come and get’em while they are here … never to go on sale again!
PaBIA’s Marine Patrol’s Mission to Decrease the Phragmites in PaB –
A Success!
For the past two weekends, we have been working hard to cut the 8 Phragmites patches that have been sited around the bay. These areas include: Upper Shawanaga, Bonnie Isle, Chicken Channel, Mud Channel, Desmasdons, Frederick Inlet, Cradle Island and Cambria island.
We have successfully cut back all of the patches and hope, as a result, that these patches will be MUCH smaller next year! We would like to send out a huge thank you to all the hard working and motivated volunteers that came out to help us control this invasive species.
It’s because of these eighteen volunteers and their efforts that we were able to get to all the patches. Your time and energy were much appreciated! Hope to see everyone helping out next year!
Fundraising Efforts for Roofing Complete!
Not only is the fundraising for the roof complete, but the roofing is being put on this week! Thank you to all those who made this happen.
We are very near completion for “drying the house in,” but siding for cold winters is a must. $750 x 4 is needed to side each of the North, South, East, and West walls.
If you are itching to contribute to this project but haven’t found the time, here’s your chance! If you loved your experience volunteering and want to continue to give, it’s not too late. Just think what you can do to cover a side of this community house.
For Canadians, donate here. Be sure to select the Pointe au Baril fund, and include a message for us.
Updates on the build
With the third ladies kayaking build day last Friday, we have broken the record for the greatest participation in a women’s build in Habitat Canada’s history! Thank you to Helen Garber for organizing and facilitating the participation of more than 30 women to our project, and of course, thank you to all of the women who gave their time. Without you, this project wouldn’t be happening!
With only 2 weeks left of summer, we are ramping up our volunteer days! We will be building EVERY DAY from August 27- September 2, so grab your friends, families, and neighbours, to join us on the site!
Cleaning Out Your Cupboards?
Perhaps you are wondering what to do with the non perishable items that remain on your shelves at the end of the season. One answer is to cart them home, but perhaps and better way is to donate them to the Parry Sound Harvest Food Bank!
Payne Marine and Desmasdons are both providing containers for donated non perishable foods AND willing to take the items to Harvest Share! Thanks to the Payne’s and Blenkarn’s!
What is a Zoning ByLaw?
The Zoning ByLaws are Township’s way to legally regulate the use and development of land in the Township.
The By-law states:
- How land can be used
- Types of buildings and structures permitted
- Where buildings and structures can be located
- Standards for development including lot sizes, building height and setbacks from property lines, accessory structures such as docks, amongst other matters
Ontario Birds – Bald Eagle
(Click on the picture below to listen to one of its calls.)
Of all the birds mentioned this summer, it is the Bald Eagle that has been seen anywhere from the Limestones to Chingwauk Island (near Pavis), from Pontiac Island to Shawanaga Bay.
Coasts, rivers, large lakes; in migration, also mountains, open country. Typically close to water, also locally in open dry country. Occurs in a variety of waterside settings where prey is abundant, including swamps in Florida, edges of conifer forest in southeastern Alaska, treeless islands in Aleutians, desert rivers in Arizona. Also winters in some very dry western valleys.
Majestic in its appearance, it is not always so majestic in habits: it often feeds on carrion, including dead fish washed up on shore, and it steals food from Ospreys and other smaller birds. At other times, however, it is a powerful predator. Seriously declining during much of the 20th century, the Bald Eagle has made a comeback in many areas since the 1970s. Big concentrations can be found wintering along rivers or reservoirs in some areas.
Feeding Behavior
Opportunistic; sometimes a predator, sometimes a scavenger. Does much hunting by watching from a high perch, then swooping down to catch prey in its talons. Also hunts by cruising very low over sea or land, taking prey by surprise. Where fish are abundant (as at spawning runs), may wade in shallow water to pursue them. Sometimes steals fish from Ospreys or other birds. Also lands on ground to feed on carrion.
2, sometimes 1-3. White. Incubation is by both parents, 34-36 days.
At least one parent remains with young almost constantly for first 2 weeks. Both parents bring prey to nest, tearing food into small pieces and feeding it directly to young at first; after 3-6 weeks, young begin pecking at food dropped in nest. In seasons when prey is scarce, only largest young may survive. Age at first flight about 10-12 weeks.
Mostly fish when available, also birds, mammals. Feeds heavily on fish in many areas, including herring, salmon, carp, catfish, many others. When fish are scarce, may eat birds (ducks, coots, auklets, others) or mammals (jackrabbits, muskrats, others). Sometimes eats turtles, crabs, shellfish, other items. Often feeds on carrion; when fish or carrion readily available, may catch few birds or mammals.
Usually first breeds at age 4-5 years, and may mate for life. Nest site is usually in tree (to the left, eagles nesting on Pontiac Island 2018), often on cliff in west, or on ground on northern islands. Tree nests are usually in very tall tree, standing above surrounding forest, up to 180′ or more above ground. Nest (built by both sexes) usually a mound of sticks, lined with finer materials; nest may be reused and added to for years, becoming huge. Great Horned Owls sometimes take over nests. Courtesy of the Audubon Society
Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels – August 15, 2019
To better read the charts, please click on the chart for a pdf for the Daily Water level (top) chart and the website for the Water Levels 12 month projection (bottom)
People are asking about next year’s water levels – given the high water we are experiencing, and several with boathouses already suffering and others with questions regarding their docks, The Army Corps of Engineers out of Detroit has, as of August 5, 2019, given us their best educated guess…click on the graph to get the full report.
The backpack on the left was left in the Schwartz’s boat after a party in the islands. The boat cushion (backing underneath) were found floating near Christine Schwartz’s island A-41 on the S Turn Channel. If you recognize any of these two items, please contact Christine.
Yearbook Updates
Each week, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. The details of all the changes since the Yearbook’s came out in April is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook copy!
Advocating for the Island Community,
Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association
PaBIA reserves all rights regarding decisions on communications to its members
Fire Rating
Please click on the logos below for further information on
- PaBIA Bulletin Bd
- Hydro Outage App,
- Coast Guard Environment Canada and
- Order Fire Extinguishers
- Weather for PaB.
If you have trouble with the Bulletin Board, please contact Dave to add it to you.
All ‘new’ shortcuts are bolded
Updated June 10, 2019
• Emergency Considerations,
• Search and Rescue
• 800-267-7270
• Survey 2018 –
• Deep Dives
• • PHONE # 647-545-9283 (cell)
• •Seasonal: June 27 - Sept 1
• Britt Coast Guard
• OPP Report Phone # for • • Poor Boating 888-310-1122
GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve
Affiliated Organizations
• FOCA - Federation of • Ontario Cottagers’ Association
• CGLR - Council of the Great • • Lakes Region
In Depth Articles
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