Dear PaBIA,
We are thankful that the firefighters have been able to get a handle on the PAR33 Fire north of us, such that it is now being held. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been affected by this 11,000 hectare fire that has raged over the past several weeks – the same fire that brought smoke into PaB when the wind blew south.
Please remember that there are new links (in bold) always being added under our “Shortcuts” column (either seen to the right or at the bottom of the eBlast depending on whether you are viewing this on your computer or phone)!
Good News! PAR33 Fire Being Held
According to Ontario Fire, the PAR33 fire north of us is being held at this time with the over 11,000 hectares affected. Great news for all those affected.
However, please note that we remain in an Extreme Fire Rating.
Township Elections –
October 2018
Are you registered?
Need to Apply in Order to Vote?
For those Canadians who need to apply for their ‘right to vote’ in the Township’s October election (those who didn’t receive a voter pin in the mail at home), the Township has said that they would prefer:
- to have you bring 1) your ID, and 2) application in person to Maryann Weaver in the Township office in Parry Sound.
However if unable to go there in person, it is asked:
PaBIA’s Board did a survey of its members 10 years ago and has decided to survey its members again, as explained by Tom Scoon, PaBIA’s President, at the 2018 AGM.
Since PaBIA wishes to engage, represent and advocate for all those who are in this water accessible community, we felt that each person should have the opportunity to answer questions related to areas of key interest to each of us and for which PaBIA would be then be in a position to act on your behalf.
PaBIA desires to be proactive in its efforts to focus on shared issues, concerns, interests and opportunities that centre on protecting and preserving the environment, prudent land use and property development, member safety on land and water, while promoting community togetherness and recreation.
Once the analysis of the survey has been completed, we will share the results with you. We will also share the outcome with relevant governments and other community organizations.
Please look for the survey in a special eBlast within the coming week!
~ WEEK BEGINNING August 15 ~
(Wed to Wed)
Life After Ali’s PaB Boating Accident – TODAY
Ali Massie will be speaking about his life after his boating accident here in Pointe au Baril and his subsequent journey to the 2018 Paralympics in Peyong Chang earlier this year!
Open to the Public
Ojibway Club Movie Hut
Today, Wednesday August 15
2:30 pm.
PaBAR Sailing – August 18 10:30 a.m.
The fleet returned to Lighthouse Bay this past weekend and began racing in a firm 10 knot breeze from the west, which faded as the day progressed.. Once again the course had us sail up to windward mark off Double Island, turn south to reach between the shoals and Thallata Island and then finish with a run through the narrows between it and Macklin back to the start line. This was an Albacore weekend, as 7 top boats, each a potential winner, packed the course. The fleet spread out quickly from the start, sniffing out gusts and shifts and yet all ended up within a stones throw of each other after the second round of the course triangle. The waning breeze and close proximities made it a tacticians race, and finishing places were determined more by boat handling and positioning than by sailing speed.
Thanks go to Kim and John Hassard for hosting the Rendezvous on the lovely Oneeishta Island, which was replete with lawn and flower gardens.
This weekend brings us to PABAR, and the final August series races.. PABAR racing will commence at 10:30 off Turning Island, with a brief cessation of yachting activities for a picnic lunch and tea by the Bradshaw cottage, followed by the final 2 afternoon races. The PABAR dinner at the Ojibway will serve in place of our usual Rendezvous. Reservations are required and the celebration is always fully attended, so delaying to the last minute is not an alternative.
MP Courtesy Reminder
In preparation for this week’s PaBAR sailing race, your Marine Patrol wants to remind the general public about boat courtesy:
- When approaching the sail boats, slow down completely making sure your wake is small.
- Also, be sure to go around the course marked by the big yellow markers and stay clear of the sail boats.
In the past, PABAR has been the most attended sailing race, so we need to be courteous of the sailboats to continue this great tradition.
Please Sign Up Below!
The Marine Patrol partnering with Georgian Bay Forever is planning a second invasive phragmites cut on August 19th and need volunteers. It’s important for the PaB community to come together and work to solve this problem that threatens every corner of the bay. If you are interested or have questions, please email the Marine Patrol NOW.
“Painted Land“
In Search of Group of Seven
Nancy Lang and Rebecca Middleton will introduce the
70 minute film about
Canada’s legendary group of landscape painters.
During the research, they discovered that
2 of the artists visited
Pointe au Baril – one stayed at The Ojibway Hotel.
Tuesday August 21st @ 4:30 p.m.
Free to Ojibway members
Open to Public for $5
4:30 pm
Movie Hut
~ WEEK BEGINNING August 22 ~
(Wed to Wed)
SOCIAL – For all those U35
A Tennis Tournament
Pig Roast –
2 pm Tennis
5 pm Dinner
Saturday, August 25th
We’re excited to introduce the U35 Tennis Tournament and Pig Roast as a new event this year, offered to anyone aged 21 to 35. The tennis tournament will start at 2pm and go into the early evening, with dinner beginning at 5:00 pm. The event costs $40 per person and is open to both Ojibway Club members and non-members so spread the word! Registration is currently open in the office.
State of the Bay:
Climate Change
According to scientists and NASA, burning fossil fuels and other human activities has increased the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 400 ppm in the last 150 years. As these gases accumulate, sunlight and heat are trapped in our atmosphere, changing the climate. Scientists agree on these facts, making climate change no longer a “theory” but an international scientific consensus.
The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about 1.1°C since the late 19th century. As global temperatures rise, polar ice melts, shrinking the white reflective area and expanding the dark surface area that absorb the sun’s rays.
By looking at ice cover data for Georgian Bay from the Canadian Ice Service, we can see that there is considerable variation from year to year, but a long-term warming trend. Results from water temperatures show a similar trend. Since 1970, the average water temperature in Lake Huron has increased by 1°C per decade.
Unfortunately, well-funded climate denial campaigns confuse the public about very simple facts: climate change is occurring right now and we are causing it. We must act quickly to avoid catastrophic effects, or our grandchildren will be the victims of our lifestyle and consumption of unsustainable energy.
Visit State of the Bay for a Climate Change Checklist to see how you can help. Your charitable donation will make an important contribution to the State of the Bay program to help coordinate science, monitoring and research, while supporting ongoing public reporting and education, including our 2023 Report.
The Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve (GBBR) is now a not-for-profit, registered charity (#87100 1335 RR0001) that works to protect the environment, create vibrant communities and support a healthy economy. To help them in their many endeavors to do scientific research in efforts toward saving the Bay, please donate today!
Threatened or Endangered? Rattlesnake
Correction: The Massasauga Rattlesnake here in Ontario is now on the threatened list rather than on the endangered list.
So What is the difference?
(Great Lakes – St. Lawrence population)
“Threatened” means the species lives in the wild in Ontario, is not endangered, but is likely to become endangered if steps are not taken to address factors threatening it.
Endangered (Carolinian population)
“Endangered” means the species lives in the wild in Ontario but is facing imminent extinction or extirpation.
Eastern Hognose Snake Sighting in PaB!
There had been a sighting of an Eastern Hognose Snake in Pointe au Baril this summer. Deb Aben and David Grant saw a Hognose snake on their beach on Hearts Content Island (57A).
The Hognose snake was once a very common snake in our neighbourhood, but it is a threatened species, on its way to becoming endangered. The main threat it faces is habitat loss and people killing them.
The Hognose has a very elaborate display: it flattens its head like a cobra, hisses and rattles its tail! This may look very scary but this snake is harmless. It doesn’t bite and isn’t venomous. If it does strike, it does with a closed mouth. It often rolls on to its back and plays dead. Let’s keep our eyes on the look out for more of these amazing snakes!
The Pointe au Baril Habitat for Humanity groundbreaking event was held on Monday, August 13, at the future home site on North Shore Road. It was a huge success as many who helped to get the project this far along attended including many of the Township councilmen, a few village residents as well as a few islanders. We celebrated the donation of land, reaching the minimum donations needed to begin our work, our Township participation and most importantly, a community commitment.
- Your participation is needed now through donations to buy materials and services that our volunteers cannot supply. DONATE NOW * (Be sure to click on FUND and change to: Pointe au Baril Adopt-A-Home Project)
* Ask Habitat Ontario Gateway North (OGN) about how Americans can now donate and receive tax gift credit. Call Kim Woodcock, CEO at (705) 646-0106 ex 206.
Yearbook Update (nothing new this week)
Each week, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. However, the details of those changes is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own cottage copy!
Fire Rating Extreme
• Search and Rescue
• 800-267-7270
• • PHONE # 647-545-9283 (cell)
• •Seasonal: June 29 - Sept 4
Election Corner
GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve
Affiliated Organizations
• FOCA - Federation of • Ontario Cottagers’ Association
• IJC – International • Joint Commission
• CGLR - Council of the Great • Lakes Region
In Depth Articles
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PaBIA’s Yearbook
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