September 24, 2020 

The AGM was held via a Zoom Webinar organized by Communications Director Hilde Clark with the assistance of GBA Communications Coordinator Shannon Farquharson.  A total of 84 attended so quorum was established. 

President’s Remarks – Tom Scoon

Tom welcomed the participants to the first-ever AGM not held in-person at the Ojibway Club.  He noted how much he had missed all those who were not able to be in Pointe au Baril during the summer due to COVID-19.  He also pointed out that due to the unusual circumstances his tenure as President set a new record of 3 years and 2 months.  Tom spoke about his love of Georgian Bay and Pointe au Baril in particular.  His main concerns for the future are the pressures for further development.

Tom thanked the retiring Directors, Ian MacLeod and Julia Sievwright for their years of service to PaBIA.

The Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting were circulated in Connections e-newsletters and posted on our website.  

Motion: to accept the 2019 AGM Minutes as read.  Tom Scoon, Mike Evans. Carried.

Meeting format 

Hilde Clark explained the format for the meeting.  Attendees could not be seen or heard during the meeting, but would be able to ask questions and vote when prompted through the Zoom features.  

All the Directors’ reports for their Portfolios had been circulated to members via Connections e-newsletters prior to the meeting, so these would not be presented.  

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report – Nancy Rogers

The In Memoriam list of the names of PaBIA and community members whose deaths had been reported to us since the 2019 AGM was read:  

Derek Bate
John Catto
John DIgby
Marnie Fairlie
Shelagh Grant

Dorothe Hassard
Todd Irvin
Herbert Jenkins
Marie Kovacs
Barbara Lawler

Susan Ludwig
John McCrodan
John W. McDaniel
Jane Phillips
Peter Stewart

The financial statement for 2019 was printed in the Yearbook, circulated to members and posted on the website.  It has been approved by the PaBIA Board.  

Motion: to approve the published 2019 Financial Statement.  Nancy Rogers, Tom Lundy.  Carried. 

Adoption of Updated PaBIA By-laws – Mary Thomson

Mary reviewed the process followed by the By-Law Committee and the rationale for the changes. The proposed draft of the amended by-laws was circulated to members by Connections and was posted on the website.  Members were invited to comment.  Suggestions, where applicable, were incorporated into the draft.  

Motion to adopt amended by-laws

  • whereas the by-laws of the Association were last amended effective August 4, 2013;
  • and whereas the Province of Ontario has passed the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c.15, as amended from time to time, but not yet proclaimed by the Lieutenant-Governor and therefore, not yet in force;
  • and whereas good corporate governance requires that a Not-for-Profit Board review and propose amendments to its governing by-laws from time to time;
  • and whereas the Board of Directors of the Association (the “Board”) is of the opinion that the 2013 by-laws should be aligned with the proposed Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010;
  • and whereas the Board has proposed the 2020 by-laws, attached, having had direct oversight and involvement in its proposed terms;
  • and whereas the Board unanimously recommended adoption of the proposed 2020 by-laws to the members of the Association;
  • and whereas, subsequent to the Board’s recommendation, further comments were received from individual members and the proposed by-laws updated to reflect appropriate revisions;

Now therefore, it is moved by Julia Sievwright, Past Chair and seconded by Erica Allen, Vice-Chair, that the 2020 by-laws, as attached, be adopted by the Membership of PaBIA at the Annual General Meeting of the Association on September 24, 2020.  Carried.

Township of the Archipelago (ToA) Ward 3 Councillors

Earl Manners and Scott Sheard reported on recent and planned initiatives of the ToA.  They report regularly through their on-line newsletter.  The Comprehensive Zoning By-law review process has been delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions.  PaBIA’s input has been received and considered.  Improved internet connectivity plans were described, for both reliability and affordability.  

Speaker, David Sweetnam – “What’s Up with Water Levels”

David is the Executive Director for Georgian Bay Forever.  His presentation described the causes of the record high water levels in Georgian Bay, illustrated with charts showing the changes over the past few years and the reasons for them.  He pointed out, in conclusion, that past conditions are no longer reliable for predicting the future and that extremes of high and low levels will become the ‘new normal’.

Election of Directors – Erica Allen

Erica gave the history on the PaBIA Board and thanked the three retiring Directors: Ian MacLeod, Tom Scoon and Julia Sievwright.  

She then introduced the two proposed new Directors Mike Berton and Cam Richardson.  Mark Gwozdecky was also introduced as our new GBA Representative, taking over the position held by Mike Berton.

The proposed slate of nominees for positions as PaBIA Directors was read.  

Erica Allen
Mike Berton
Helen Bryce
Hilde Clark
Tom Lundy
Mike Phippen

Cam Richardson
Nancy Rogers
Dave Sharpe
Virginia Skuce
Mary Thomson

Motion: to accept the slate of nominees for appointment as PaBIA Directors for 2020 – 2021.  Erica Allen, Mary Ruby.  Carried.

Erica reflected on the past summer, reaching out only remotely to absent friends and the inability to hold our traditional PaBIA events.  She looks forward to introducing new initiatives, including engaging permanent residents and the Aboriginal community.

Motion of adjournment: Erica Allen, Mike Berton.  Carried 

Nancy Rogers

Recording Secretary