Minutes of PaBIA Directors’ Meeting (via Zoom) November 9, 2022
Directors participating: Dave Sharpe, Hilde Clark, Cath Fairlie, Katie Findlay, Mark Gwozdecky, Trudy Irvine, Michael Phippen, Nancy Rogers, Virginia Skuce
Also attending: Lloyd Posno, Elise Findlay
Regrets: Mike Berton, Mary Thomson
Land Acknowledgement Dave Sharpe
The Board of the Pointe au Baril Islanders Association acknowledges that our cottages are located in the traditional and treaty territory of the Shawanaga First Nation, which belongs to the larger Anishnabek Nation and which stretches across much of Ontario, east along the Prairies and along the northern shores of all the Great Lakes. The Anishnabek Nation is comprised of peoples of the Algonquin, Saulteaux, Anishnabe (Ojibway), Odawa, Chippewa nations as well as others.
We acknowledge the rights of the Anishnabek as legally recognized in the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850, the foundation upon which the sovereign peoples of these lands, waters and air would build a common relationship. I express my gratitude and respect to the Anishnabek for their relationship to nature and their care for this place. I am committed to listening, learning and understanding what role I can play in honouring these relationships in how I conduct myself today and every day.
Welcome Dave Sharpe
Dave welcomed Lloyd Posno, who will become the Indigenous Liaison Portfolio Chair position in January 2023 and Elise Findlay, who is now the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.
Dave announced that Mike Berton, who has been on the Board as Director at Large, has accepted the position of Membership Chair.
Marine Patrol (MP) Supervisor Position Cath Fairlie
Seven possible candidates for the role were contacted but they declined. Former Supervisors, Scott Sheard and Tom Lundy were consulted and assisted with suggestions for updating the role.
Cath, Dave Sharpe and Mark Gwozdecky discussed dividing MP Supervisor responsibilities into three pieces for next summer as a temporary solution:
Hiring – January to February. Cath, Dave and Mark and GBLT personnel would conduct the interviews and hire the successful candidates.
Training – May. Mark would prepare the training schedule for the Patrollers and trainers. Training – June. Dave and Mark along with Randy Johnson, GBLT, GBB, GBF and others would handle the training at the beginning of the season.
Summer Supervision – if possible this position will be filled before training takes place. If necessary, Cath will fill in assisted by Dave and Mark. Michael Phippen offered assistance if needed.
Dave Sharpe noted that MP is a major annual expense. All Board members will be asked for input on the mission, goals and expectations of the MP.
Fire Emergency Response Cath Fairlie
Concern about the past summer’s fires and the fire-fighting problems encountered prompted some members to contact the Board with suggestions. Cath has prepared a document for the Board. Cath, Dave Sharpe and Mary Thomson will be discussing PaBIA’s role and our liability concerns. The topic will be on the agenda for the December Board Meeting.
Member Activities Virginia Skuce
After two years of Regattas not being held, problems occurred for the new Chairs because of lack of documentation for both Junior and Senior events. Virginia is preparing new guidelines for the 2023 Regattas for pre-event, event and post-event needs, with details of marketing, equipment, volunteers and operations.
Nominations for Chairs of the 2023 events are needed.
Markers Cath Fairlie
The Board had agreed that it was necessary to have a clear direction and strategy for the PaBIA markers, considering the success of the 14 ‘permanent markers’ that had been placed. Cath circulated an analysis of the current number of markers and proposals for the future addition of more new permanent markers.
Following full discussion of the proposals including funding and practicality, two motions were made.
Motion The Board supports the long term 10-year strategy for continuing the placement of permanent markers. Mark Gwozdecky, Michael Phippen. Carried.
Motion The Board supports proceeding with the purchase and installation of 10 high priority location permanent markers for 2023. Dave Sharpe, Michael Phippen. Carried.
Fundraising will be necessary. Possible sources of additional revenues were discussed including increasing PaBIA dues at all four levels and approaching the Township for funding.
Meeting adjourned.
Nancy Rogers, Recording Secretary