Minutes of PaBIA Directors’ Meeting (via Zoom) December 6, 2022
Directors participating: Dave Sharpe, Mark Gwozdecky, Mike Berton, Hilde Clark, Cath Fairlie, Katie Findlay, Trudy Irvine, Michael Phippen, Nancy Rogers, Virginia Skuce, Mary Thomson
Also attending: Lloyd Posno, Elise Findlay
Land Acknowledgement Dave Sharpe
The Board of the Pointe au Baril Islanders’ Association acknowledges that our cottages are located in the traditional and treaty territory of the Shawanaga First Nation, which belongs to the larger Anishnabek Nation which stretches across much of Ontario, west to the Prairies and along the northern shores of all the Great Lakes. The Anishnabek Nation is comprised of peoples of the Algonquin, Saulteaux, Anishnabe (Ojibway), Odawa, Chippewa nations as well as others.
We acknowledge the rights of the Anishnabek as legally recognized in the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850, the foundation upon which the sovereign peoples of these lands, waters and air would build a common relationship. I express my gratitude and respect to the Anishnabek for their relationship to nature and their care for this place. I am committed to listening, learning and understanding what role I can play in honouring these relationships in how I conduct myself today and henceforth.
Ward 3 Councillors Earl Manners, Scott Sheard
Scott reported on steps taken by the Township to acquire land in the Pointe au Baril Village area that will be zoned as residential in order to provide building lots for affordable housing.
Rolfe Jones, President of The Georgian Bay Association, forwarded to all GBA Association Presidents a request for support in a letter campaign to MPPs voicing concerns about Bill 23 notably the impacts to the environment and ratepayers’ rights.
Prior to the meeting, Earl and Scott distributed to the members of the Board their draft document ‘Impact of Bill 23 on TOA’ that they will be presenting to the TOA Council at their December meeting. PaBIA’s support for the document, to challenge the legislation and ‘next steps’ were requested.
There was a full discussion of both the GBA request and our Councillors’ document. PaBIA’s next e-blast communication will advise our members on how Bill 23 could seriously handicap PaBIA from maintaining our organizational Mission and Vision. Specifically, as outlined both in the GBA letter template and in our Councillors’ draft, the potential for grave harm across a wide number of fundamental rights and protections we all count on to have a hand in our own destiny as a growing community and as dedicated stewards of this precious Biosphere. We will provide communication templates and suggested recipients to help our members take a stand if they so choose. This will include the GBA Provincial Government letter campaign, as well as suggested written support for the efforts outlined by our Councillors at the Municipal level. Special consideration will be made to explain the situation to non-Canadian members, so they are able to understand and respond to the situation effectively.
2023 Membership Dues Dave Sharpe
The 2022 Financial Statement shows that revenues have not covered expenses for the year. The approved permanent marker plan is in place. There are increases in costs for all of PaBIA’s events and services. Our reserve fund should not be depleted.
Motion: to increase membership dues for 2023 on a percentage basis for all four levels based on a cost analysis for the coming year. Dave Sharpe, Michael Phippen. Carried.
Georgian Bay Association Representative Mark Gwozdecky
Mark, PaBIA Vice-President, has been one of PaBIA’s GBA Representatives along with Laura Fischer Dodge who was nominated to the position this year. Mark will be stepping down from GBA in the new year.
Motion: to nominate Seymour Hadwen as a PaBIA Representative to the GBA beginning in 2023. Mark Gwozdecky, Hilde Clark. Carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Nancy Rogers, Recording Secretary