(via Zoom)
Directors participating:
Erica Allen, Mike Berton, Helen Bryce, Cam Richardson, Hilde Clark, Mark Gwozdecky, Tom Lundy, Michael Phippen, Nancy Rogers, Dave Sharpe, Virginia Skuce, Mary Thomson
Fire Protection Chair: Randy Johnson for Fire Pumps discussion
TOA Councillors: Earl Manners, Scott Sheard
TOA Councillor’s Report
Ward 3 Scott Sheard, Earl Manners
Scott and Earl’s end of January e-newsletter contained statistics about the large increase in building permit applications in 2021. Also of note was the 20% turnover for property ownership in the Township.
By-law enforcement has also had high activity with noise, parking and fireworks complaints the top issues.
The final public consultations for the Comprehensive Zoning By-laws review will be in summer ’22. Input from PaBIA will continue to be important.
An Ontario Municipal Guidelines document on Indigenous Relations has been shared with Mark Gwozdecky. A Land Acknowledgement will be developed, appropriate to the TOA area. The cooperation and assistance demonstrated with the Skerryvore Road project has been recognized.
The tower to improve broadband internet access has been installed on North Shore Rd. The TOA will apply for more funding.
A meeting of the Board and Councillors is to be scheduled before the end of March. The Board was asked for suggestions of objectives, issues and areas of collaboration.
Preliminary results of the washing machine filters testing in Parry Sound and Collingwood are available on the Georgian Bay Forever and Parry Sound websites. TOA Council has made a motion of support for legislation to make the filters mandatory on new washing machines.
Member Safety
Tom Lundy
Randy Johnson, Fire Protection Chair, reported that one pump required repairs last summer. Parts are still available for older pump repairs but a renewal program must be considered for the longer term as the pumps are aging.
A pump should be placed in the Lighthouse area. Currently, the PaBIA pump at the Ojibway would be the closest which is too far away. In order to begin the proposed renewal program and have a pump in the Lighthouse area, Randy very generously offered to donate a complete Mark 3 Wajax fire pump kit. The preferred location of the Lighthouse would require approval from the TOA. Formal recognition of Randy’s outstanding donation will be made in upcoming communications to the members.
Tom circulated a Marine Patrol report by email prior to the meeting. There will be updates of the information at the March Board meeting.
2021 Financial Statement
Nancy Rogers
The 2021 Financial Statement and report for the 2022 Yearbook were circulated to the Board prior to the meeting for comments and questions.
MOTION: to approve the 2021 Financial Statement as circulated. Erica Allen, Dave Sharpe. Carried.
The statement will be presented for approval by the membership at the 2022 AGM.
Dave Sharpe
GBA members are offered a discount on Stearns life jackets. Dave has been discussing this with Ann Doritty (PaBIA Safe Boating Committee), Helen Bryce (PaBIA Education Committee) and John McMullen (GBA and Safe Boating Council). 5 sizes and styles will be offered at 40% off the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. PaBIA will set up, with the assistance of our webmaster, David Anderson, purchase options through our website. The final order would be delivered to one location (to be determined) in Pointe au Baril for pickup in the summer.
Mark Gwozdecky
The GBA has asked for participation of its member Associations in Decibel Coalition. The group is supporting proposed legislation to limit boat noise.
MOTION: to support the Decibel Coalition through the GBA. Michael Phippen, Erica Allen. Carried.
This will be again in an upcoming PaBIA e-newsletter with a link to the form for members to sign. A GBA survey to gather information related to the economic importance of the area is planned.
Cam Richardson
The Township’s CZBL review is close to being complete. Cam announced his retirement from the PaBIA Board as of April. Katie Findlay has served PaBIA on the Environment, Senior Regatta and CZBL Committees. She has agreed to take over the position with Cam’s assistance until the AGM.
Mary Thomson
The rules related to the 2022 Municipal Election in October will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.
Erica Allen, Dave Sharpe
A former PaBIA member contacted Erica with a proposal for a new member category of
“Friends of PaBIA”. Following discussion, it was decided to keep the current membership
Nominations Committee
Dave Sharpe
The Nominations Committee will meet to identify replacement candidates for upcoming vacancies on the Board.
June Directors’ Meeting
Erica Allen
This was tabled until the March Board Meeting.
Hilde Clark
“February 15th is the deadline for all Yearbook reports.
On January 20th a Zoom call was held led by Hilde with Dave Anderson, Margaret Berton, Mike Berton and Nancy Rogers. Topics discussed were the Yearbook including advertising, eBlasts, donations and the website. There are plans for updating the website. This is an ongoing topic and will be on the March Board meeting agenda.
Meeting adjourned.
Nancy Rogers, Recording Secretary