We had quite an infestation of Gypsy Moth in Pointe au Baril in 2020. Luckily, most healthy trees that experience defoliation (even for 1-2 years) will withstand and survive as long as other stressors (pests, lack of rain) are not present.

The attached Information Sheet on Gypsy Moth (courtesy of the Georgian Bay Biosphere) covers history, life stages/life cycles, and management & control options. Stay tuned to subsequent e-blasts for detailed information on control methods such as burlap banding, egg mass scraping, pheromone traps, and cocoon destruction.
(There is the option of applying Btk, a biological pesticide, however, this is not necessary given similar outcomes from the DIY options, relative expense, possible side effects on other butterflies and moths, and the fact that Btk will not eradicate the problem.

The attached Information Sheet on Gypsy Moth (courtesy of the Georgian Bay Biosphere) covers history, life stages/life cycles, and management & control options. Stay tuned to subsequent e-blasts for detailed information on control methods such as burlap banding, egg mass scraping, pheromone traps, and cocoon destruction.
(There is the option of applying Btk, a biological pesticide, however, this is not necessary given similar outcomes from the DIY options, relative expense, possible side effects on other butterflies and moths, and the fact that Btk will not eradicate the problem.

Thanks, Sandy Boeckh, for this information!