by Ann Dority | Jul 29, 2020 | Boating Safety, Safety
by Ann Doritty and Helen Bryce, PaBIA Education Committee We value the entire PaB community with whom we share this incredible paradise. With the record high water levels we are experiencing this summer, we are all concerned about the impact of boat wakes on swimmers,...
by Ann Dority | Jul 22, 2020 | Boating Safety
by Ann Dority, PaBIA Education Committee Treat the waterways like a roadway. You wouldn’t get in a car under the influence, so please don’t booze and cruise – ever!Not only is it illegal, but alcohol and cannabis will have an effect on your reaction time. It is...
by PaBIA | Jul 15, 2020 | Boating Safety, Safety
Pointe au Baril is a beautiful boater’s playground filled with inlets, coves, big open waters, islands and shoals to explore. We see a wide variety of boats on our waters including kayaks, canoes, sailboats, power boats, cruisers, speed boats and personal watercraft....
by Scott Sheard | Jan 21, 2019 | Safety
PaBIA’s Community Marine Patrol Historical Perspective The Marine Patrol (MP) was born in 1998 as a result of two major catalysts: (1) The boating safety concerns heightened after the death of one of the Ojibway staff members and (2) Transport Canada’s...
by Hilde Clark | Oct 5, 2018 | EMS, Fire Emergency, Medical Emergency, Safety
Download Printable Copy [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”PaBIA Emergency Section 2018″]
by Hilde Clark | Aug 30, 2017 | Medical Emergency
Download [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”PaBIA Rattlesnake Bite 8_5 x 4″] Download [pdf-embedder...